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UK Malifaux Rankings are LIVE!


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No, you simply let the TO/MythicFox/rankingshq know after tourney you don't want to be included on the rankings.

Or if TOs choose to run events in a way you don't like then the best solution is to run events the way you like them yourself. Make something positive happen in your gaming community.

How about you and Fenrir run an event down in London? I'll be happy to come along and bring some players to boost the numbers. It'll be fun.

I'm sorry, I've obviously misunderstood the whole 'rankings won't make a difference' and 'if people don't want to be ranked they don't have to be' comments from the rankings debate thread.

Now please understand, I have no opinion on whether the world will end or not because the UK is now employing a ranking system nor do I care.

I do care that if I want to play in Uk tournaments I have to run around afterwards asking to be excluded from something I didn't opt into in the first place.

As for

Make something positive happen in your gaming community.
Maybe I'm in a bad mood but that sounds really patronising to me as the inference (sp?) is that if you don't support the rankings you are doing something negative for the community.

I live in Spain so trying to organise a tournament in the UK is a little difficult however I do try to help and support the tournament scene over here.

When I visit the UK I try and arrange it so that I can attend a tournament to meet the UK players and support Malifaux in the UK. I won't in the future.

For those keeping score that's one Malifaux player negatively impacted by the UK Rankings.

Edited by aka_hazard
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It's only negatively impacted you because you let it and didn't give it a chance!! That's Luke me saying flying has a negative impact on me because I've never been on a plane but I've heard people are sick/die. (note: I have flown)

And you say running around. You have to either; send a pm, send an email or talk to the TO while you're there. wow. I'm exhausted thinking about doing any of them!! Actuality, if you do play in a UK tournament, I'll pm James myself if you want...?

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Any chance of including the number of scored events within the list?

Top 3 current scores count for each player. When you look at someone's results the scoring results are shown in a different colour.

@aka hazard

I believe that once you opt out in RHQ thats it - no need to keep opting out. I think that this can be done within the RHQ website. http://www.rankingshq.com/despatches/displayinrankings.html

Personally if someone enters one of my tournaments and doesn't want to be ranked I'll just enter them as "anon" in the submitted results.

Edited by Clousseau
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Problem is, if all the good players opt out, the system becomes pointless. The current H/WM list is a pretty sore sight now that all he best players have left.

However seems Malifaux is so small I doubt it will matter. I do come back again to rubbing peoples noses in it.

Have to be careful when your a good gamer / community voice - it is the responsibility of the better gamers to help the others for the enjoyment of all.

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Hands up that's my fault. There isn't an outcast suit and I couldn't see a version of the gun/rose thing that would shrink down to the right size and still be workable. So I picked :pulse as it looks like an O for outcast.

If someone can send me a black outcast symbol in a .png at the correct size & resolution I'll happily ask RHQ to change it over.

What size do you need it? I'll see what i can do.

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It's only negatively impacted you because you let it and didn't give it a chance!! That's Luke me saying flying has a negative impact on me because I've never been on a plane but I've heard people are sick/die. (note: I have flown)

You are making the assumption that I think rankings are bad and that is incorrect.

I tried to be clear before and I obviously failed so let me try again.

I do not think ranking is bad.

I do not think ranking is good.

I simply choose not to participate in rankings.

The 'issue' I have with the UK rankings is not that they exist but that it has been implimented as opt-out rather than opt-in.

To use your analogy I only contact the airline when I want to fly not everytime I don't.

And you say running around. You have to either; send a pm, send an email or talk to the TO while you're there. wow. I'm exhausted thinking about doing any of them!! Actuality, if you do play in a UK tournament, I'll pm James myself if you want...?

I don't believe that to be quite correct and I'll explain why.

Because the implimentation is opt-out it only takes one technical or human error for me to be automatically included.

Therefore if I choose not to participate I have to send a pm, then I have to monitor RHQ to make sure my name does not inadvertently slip through and, when it does, I will have to contact them to have it removed.

Some people have posted that you only have to opt out once on RHQ's website however to do that you have to create a profile on their website.

Their privacy policy states:

'By using the site you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this policy.'

To paraphrase the situation - to ensure your details are not used by us you must give us your details and agree to our using them in accordance with a policy we created and can amend at anytime. Sounds a little Catch-22 to me.

So the easiest option for me is not to support the UK tournament scene. I don't live in the UK and would only attend two or three tournaments a year so it's no great loss. There will not be wailing in the streets however as the whole rankings project was going to be monitored to see if it turns out to be a good or bad thing I chose to stick my head above the parapet and let you know that one gamer has been negatively impacted. In this instance not by the rankings but by the method of implimentation.

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One example of how easy it is for someone to be inadvertently included in an opt-out scheme...

I am listed on RHQ because I participated in a tournament that did not declare that it was a ranking tournament and was held 15 days before the first discussion about UK rankings was held in a public Wyrd forum and 70 days before the rankings went 'live'.

Tournament held June 4th http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18808

Rankings announced/discussed June 19th http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22065

Rankings live August 13th

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If you don't make a profile on rankings HQ why is it so bad that your name is listed on there as there will be no other connection to you at all.

Simply because the fact that my name is listed implies I wish to participate in, and support, the rankings which I do not.

Now my next statement is pure conjecture and should be taken as such.

When the ranking system is reviewed someone may, and I emphasis may, say that they are a success because of how many people are listed.

After all the rankings have only been 'live' for 4 days and there are already 110 people participating and supporting them.

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After all the rankings have only been 'live' for 4 days and there are already 110 people participating and supporting them.

Some people were added retrospectively, but can't be bothered with going to rankings hq and getting removed again. If you leave it long enough, you'll drop off the chart anyway. Thats how I got off the listings for GW stuff.

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Can anyone tell me how I take control of the profile which has been set up for me?

You need to create a profile it then scans all the names across the games and gives suggestions once you have selected your name from the list it is then associated with that profile.

@ magicpockets - PM sent mate.


Thank you both, all done :)

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Simply because the fact that my name is listed implies I wish to participate in, and support, the rankings which I do not.

Now my next statement is pure conjecture and should be taken as such.

When the ranking system is reviewed someone may, and I emphasis may, say that they are a success because of how many people are listed.

After all the rankings have only been 'live' for 4 days and there are already 110 people participating and supporting them.

I feel for you. I myself am considering whether I want to opt out or not, but it seems that it will be difficult to get your name removed now. The fact that you have not been told that those tournaments will be included is the key sticking point I believe. If you were told it was a ranked event then you have the choice to come or not. These were not announced as ranked events, and have been added, probably without the TOs autorisation.

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All TOs were asked prior to their events being added so your final point isa frankly silly statement. As to your initial statement, they didn't yell you as they didn't know at the time.

As for the point above removal being difficult, rankingsHQ added a feature this week especially for removing yourself, so don't make speculative statements if you haven't tried to use the features yet.

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