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The Tale of Malifaux Painters


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Cheers Vinncent, glad the intention came through! Feel free to nick the idea Angor - best part about it is that there's far less rat to paint.

Also a disclaimer for these next two photos - I only painted the base, not Colette herself.

This Colette I was lucky enough to nab off of popg0estheworld, who I'm sure many of you know of as the owner of the lovely Kirai crew, Ress and Leveticus crews, Lady J and so forth. I merely rebased this figure so it matches my other Arcanists, and so the sign can be seen clearly.



I'm still working on the arachnid swarm (i.e. haven't started it...) and the Executioner is half done.

Looking good! I think I actually like this more than my original basing (which was just bland stage planks). Nice work.

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Cheers for the comments all! Glad you like the base popg0estheworld, bit of a relief really. ;)

LonelyPath, cheers. The doppleganger was a vampire model from Black Scorpion miniatures, though I can't find it on their site now. I also swapped the head with Sonnia Criid. At any rate here's a picture of it that used to be in the store -


Pandora's slightly more complex. The bottom half is from Deryliss, the thrall that comes with the Warmachine Cryx faction warcaster Mortenebra. The upper half comes from Hasslefree, the witch Hazel model (with arms repositioned). Cube is just an offcut of plastic cut down to size and pinned on. The sorrow emerging from it is one of the soul tendrils from the Asphyxious figure, also from Warmachine Cryx, and the head is from Heresy Miniatures' Ellie Mental (since I'd already nabbed the Hazel head for Sonnia Criid...)

Hope that helps!

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I think I would like to try although I am unsure if it will take me 6 months to paint my guys. Then again, I did pick up 17 new miniatures at GenCon this year.

Starting last week (The Sunday I got back from GenCon) I started working on my Lelu and hardcore went at him and finished him Friday (He just got his last coat of sealant last night) I'm still really new to painting as this Lelu marks my 8th model I have ever painted, so I can't guarantee, "master pieces" but darnit, that Lelu is a master piece to me! :D

My models to be worked on next involve a Lilitu, Nekima, & Lilith.

Beyond that I have part of my Pandora crew to paint, Lady Justice (Both normal and Nightmare) and the Nightmare Teddy.


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Ok, count me in. I've been recovering from an operation and using the time to get a little painting done while I heal up.

I've got in progress:


Wicked Dolls

Yet to start:




Coming in the mail (soon I hope):

Alt Zoraida

Avatar Zoraida

Dead Justice set

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Hey, wanting to get in on this seeing as I've actually been painting recently. I'll probably be focussing on Resurrectionists for now...


3 Mindless Zombies

3 Punk Zombies


Working on-



3 Rotten Belles


3 Crooked Men

Bete Noire

That's it for now but I'm sure I'll get a hold of more stuff eventually.

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hey hey :)

this seems good and motivational so I think I'm gonna jump on it

I intend to paint up in the next handful of months:

1 rasputina alt

1 snowstorm

3 ice gamin

1 ice golem

1 silent one

with any luck this list will grow, but first I need more money to buy more things, like colette, or seamus, or hamelin, or som'er etc etc etc etc

edit: now added lilith's box crew and some mechanical doves for when I eventually buy colette

Edited by marcuzi
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Hello Gang,

I'm excited to join the challenge. I'm adding my lilith, 6 'tater' tots, 4 young nephilim, and 2 mature nephilim to the list. If I am successful with those, I will add more models. Thanks for the encouragement/inspiriation/collective pressure to finish more figs.

Keep up the awesome work!


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Cheers for the comments all! Glad you like the base popg0estheworld, bit of a relief really. ;)

LonelyPath, cheers. The doppleganger was a vampire model from Black Scorpion miniatures, though I can't find it on their site now. I also swapped the head with Sonnia Criid. At any rate here's a picture of it that used to be in the store -


Pandora's slightly more complex. The bottom half is from Deryliss, the thrall that comes with the Warmachine Cryx faction warcaster Mortenebra. The upper half comes from Hasslefree, the witch Hazel model (with arms repositioned). Cube is just an offcut of plastic cut down to size and pinned on. The sorrow emerging from it is one of the soul tendrils from the Asphyxious figure, also from Warmachine Cryx, and the head is from Heresy Miniatures' Ellie Mental (since I'd already nabbed the Hazel head for Sonnia Criid...)

Hope that helps!

Thanks for all the info, it helps out a lot. They look fantastic :) Also, I thought some of my old metal conversion work was quite heavy, lol.

I may have to track down that vampire model though, it'll fit in well with something I'm putting together for another game ;)

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Been up to a bit more lately. Today I painted Sonnia, who stretched my patience as it was somewhat of a chore. Also 'finished' the Executioner, aside from his hands -


I also popped in to a local store a couple of days ago and found a bigger, non-keychain sackbot, who still fits on a 50mm base.... As such, I'm working on a Nightmare Edition Alphabet Block Teddy!


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