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Your greatest mess up.


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  • 2 weeks later...

As for me, i once was working on a new table for Malifaux, and while cutting out a hole for a pond i dropped the knife i was using. reaching for it, i lodged it deep into my left index finger.

$2,000 later, they managed to save the finger... and it hurts every time we flip "Hag's territory" when choosing terrain.

Edited by Twizz666
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Picked up my battle foam Malifaux bag full of painted models off of the counter. Thought it was zipped. It wasn't. :( Crews...Meet Tile Floor.

I don't paint very quick, and I am not the greatest, so I was about to be crushed.

Luckily not too much paint chipped, but it was a lot of broken joints.

Edited by Chainsawhand
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It's a toss up between:

1). Painting an old style Ork battlewagon almost 20 years ago at the breakfast bar in my grandma's house.

My brother, who was about 7 at the time, decided he wanted to join in, so I gave him a quick lesson in taking care of brushes, shaking paints, keeping them away from the side, how to drybrush, etc. He was doing ok and happily splatting paint on an Ork when he decided to use the white. Perhaps it was my fault, perhaps my lessons just hadn't been thorough enough, but sometimes you have to assume that the pupil possesses just a spark of common sense don't you? Well, obviously he was lacking that spark, because he gave it a vigorous shake, but neglected to close the lid back down on the open pot before doing so.

What made it even more insane was that he shook it for a good 5 seconds, even when paint had clearly splattered all over both of us and everything around.

Who knew a tiny paint pot could spread so far. Walls, celing, clothes, battlewagon, every bloody nook and cranny of the room.

2). Chopping the head off a plastic mini whilst using the front side of my thumb as a rest. The inevitable happened. The blade went so very deep and thunked into the bone. My thumb opened up wide and all the little tendon, nerve bits splayed wide. You know where Luke cuts open the Tauntaun in Empire, that was what my thumb looked like. It was pretty minging, and spitting out blood.

A lengthy casualty visit, stitches and a gradual return of sensation in the top of my thumb over the next few years followed.

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Well, the most recent mess up for me was when I spilled a entire tub of blue ink over my Sonnia crew. I was working on the last Witchling when it happened. Thankfully I was able to rinse the ink off under the tap before it dried.

Before that it was probably when I was spray undercoating some tanks for 40k and the wind caught the box, flipped it over and sent the tanks flying a good 20 feet into the garden gate. Not one was in less than 6 pieces. Good thing they're plastic is all I can say!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had some super glue issues, including accidentally gluing shut one of my nostrils, or another time when I superglued my knee to the bottom of my table. Let me tell you, that takes some interesting maneuvering to try to get under there to detach.

In terms of painted models. I think it was a newly painted space marines squad I put up on my dashboard to drive to the store. It was hot out, I opened the window...took a turn, and out the window they all went. REAL smart. (yes, this was in my pre-wyrd days ;))

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Using JB Weld on an old Ral Partha dragon (I think it was Huma's Silver Dragon from Dragonlance IIRC) many years ago. Looks horrible and is pretty much impossible to remove.

It might be possible after all- I made the same mistake with a Rogue Trader era landspeeder not too much later. I soaked it overnight in Simple Green to strip the paint and the JB Weld came apart.

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Do non-malifaux ones count?

My wife and I used to regularly go for lunch at a nice little pub. we got quite friendly with the staff (which was just as well).

Anyway, one day its quite busy and we are sitting there talking. She picks up the ketchup and shakes it vigourously.

She only stopped when she saw the horrified expression on my face and the bar staff collapse in laughter.

No, the top was on the bottle of ketchup! Unfortunately there was no top on her glass of vodka and coke, which she had just tossed over her shoulder and over a group of people at the table behind.

We don't live near the pub anymore which is possibly just as well.

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Slipping while trying to pin a model and accidentally impaling my thumb.

Normally i'm not a klutz. But when I do something I consider important stuff finds a way to go wrong.

Yeah, sent a drill bit right into my index finger the other day.

Gorilla Glue's Superglue for the win though!

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The first time I ever painted minatures was the terminators from the second edition space hulk. Being a child I used whatever paint I had, which for some reason was latex based. We used to play on a large garden table we had.

Turns out plastic covered in latex dosn't do well in the sun.

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