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Resurrectionists by Rotokultaxe


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Since the Tale of skirmish gamers is about to begin, I decided I would first start my project log by showing the stuff I already painted in the last months. Comments and criticism welcomed (particularly tips for taking better pictures ;)

First, my purple experimentation Kirai:



My classic studio scheme Onryos:





And finally, the lonely Seishin:



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Well, for the Seishin, both the lighting and the highlights could be improved... I started with red and highlighted until I reached a bright yellow (2 colors I still have problems with). And now I don't know if I should perfect this scheme, or make other Seishin in different colors.

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Nice and clean work. The Seishin looks as he needs a bit more work to bring up to the level of the rest of the models, maybe another colour or two?

As for taking better pics try not having the camera as close to the minis and crop the images in programs like photoshop or GIMP. I have found even using a good macro that some cameras have difficulty focusing when you are so close.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Tiny update ! work and family have gotten in the way of painting for september. Nevertheless, I managed to finish Seamus. I tried the most victorian color scheme I could come up with (and I was really inspired by the original artwork). It was also my first try at NMM. One of the most fun mini I ever painted (the face is so characterful!).



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  • 5 weeks later...

Got some WIP to show!

A few days ago, when I bought avatar Seamus and started putting it together, I was amazed by the sculpt and decided he needed a nice base so that he stood out from the rest of his crew (I know, he already does by his sheer size, but still...). I wanted a base that would make him seem bigger, more dreadful, and that would represent well his violent nature and destructive behavior.

So I bought from my LGS a bag of small bricks from Pegasus Hobbies, rolled a ball of green stuff (well, it's grey) and started building a heap of rubble for the king of dread to sit upon.

Here's the result:



Since I took the pictures, I already started working on the skin. I hope I find some time to show my progress...

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So, it's finally done!!! (and it was time. It's a wonderful mini, but spending so much time on it made me eager to move on to something else). There are still some tiny details that would deserve additional highlighting, and I might add dirt on the shoes, but I need to take a break for a while (and wreck some faces on the tabletop with this baby...)





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