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Mako's Crew(s)


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They're black with a little purple, thinned right down, but the key factor is doing them after the first highlight but before the next two or three layers. That beds them in a lot more so they should look like they sit deeper and aren't just tattoos. I did take a fair bit of time on his arms, with the raw knuckles and veins they ended up being a feature part!

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It's not too much trouble, once you have the paint thinning right (which took me a couple of test runs on my fingernail) its just one extra layer in the middle of normal painting. SO long as your normal painting is ultra thin layers, that is!

That's what my problem is... I need to be patient enough to do it in ultra thin layers

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Well, I know I said close to finished, but I finished him last night. Just under a week to get him totally done isn't bad I think. So without further ado, here's today's update - The Green Justice box set completed!







So what do people think? Justice is bigger than the others, the judge is in the middle heightwise, and the gremlins are a bit smaller (as befits minions) but have huge coffins to balance it out. I have to admit, I'm pretty pleased with how they've come out.

I'm throwing money at the screen and nothing is happening! I already have he crew but I'd love to buy these. Please Wyrd, make I happen?

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Sorry Lupus, Wyrd have said it won't happen. Kind of a relief given the nightmare IP mess it would be! But I will be able to afford to cast my own set one day, and then I'll paint them and post them on here! That won't be this month though, my sister's wedding gift ended up costing me a fortune to get what I wanted.

In the meantime, here's Gravesy:


I'm really pleased with the floor, and the metals have come out looking crazy shiny in real life and just as shiny in the photos, so that's pretty good. I like how he looks so much, I'm taking Kirai off my signature...

Also, a little progress on giant Lucius:


His right boot is still being refined and trimmed to the right width, but he's at least got two feet now!

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Mr Graves looks great, I love the way you added depth to flat surfaces (painting the texture on his vest in particular). I'm not sure about the veins around his eyes though, they seem a bit too much but that's probably me trying to find flaws in a fantastic paintjob.

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Thanks guys! The metals aren't actually true NMM, they're the same method but using metallic paints for the highlights. It's a bit of a cheat but you get a lovely effect!

The veins are one of those things, how subtle do I go trying to make him look nephilim. I put them in, but they're not going to work for everyone. I have just noticed he has no lips though, so I'm going to put the tiniest hint of red into the skin tone in a really thin line on his bottom lip to make his mouth show probably. Although he looks quite good like he is...

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I don't use washes on the face, they never quite go where I want them to. I just mix a touch of red into the flesh tone so it's very subtle, and go for one very thin line on the bottom lip. Both lips gives him a pout, too wide a line makes him look like he's drooling...

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Cheers! I think I'm going to leave him for now, maybe look in a week or so and see if I think he needs a lip . He looks quite good to me without at the moment, like he has a tiny thin mouth and never smiles.

And definitely no pouts, unless I can get a second one and put him in a tutu!

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No problem, I think I can remember what I did with them! It was a bit of a slap it together and see process though so I can't tell you exactly what ratio I added things in...

The shirt started as GW astronomican grey, shaded down by addin dark purple and some black in a very thin mix. Back over it with the grey midtone, then some thin highlights working the grey up to pure white (although they're so thin that it never actually becomes fully white).

The waistcoat was adeptus battlegrey with a touch of astronomican grey mixed in, shaded with glazes of black with a tiny hint of purple in it and highlighted up using little bits of white in the grey mix (again, really thinned out with drying retarder, matt medium and flow aid). I washed it with very very dilute black afterwards to tone it back a bit if I remember right. The stripes were painted in using dark purple/black and bronze fleshtone/fiery orange/black mixes, then the inner lines put in with purple + a hint of white, and fleshtone/orange (didn't need white for that one).

Hopefully that all makes sense but let me know if you want more details and I'll try to remember them!

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Mako, I love seeing your work. And your description are great too. I have learned quite a few things by reading your posts, and have been inspired to try stuff either based on what you post, or just things I've thought of as offshoots of your own works. I've a long way to go to get to your level, but I feel I am making strides in the past year after having stagnated fro quite some time.

And Graves is AWESOME!

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Thanks guys *grin*

I'm glad I can be a bit inspirational and a bit of a figure of hate, all at the same time!

I can't sleep, so I've done some work on one of the illuminated. Pretty happy with him so far, although it's slow going as I picked the one with the blob on his back...

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