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Mako's Crew(s)


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Oh you must make that green Justice crew, she looks awesome so far! :D And im sure you can fit the super long sword/scabbard on her somewhere.

Though i just get the image of it on the floor with her trying to draw it and being to small, which makes me laugh a little :)

---------- Post added at 02:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 AM ----------

I wish i got enjoyment from making stuff and painting it, i love it when i come visit your threads, your work is all stunning. :)

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Thanks Ozz, a laugh is the point, so I probably will try to keep the enormous sword. It's longer than original sculpt Lady Js I think!

It's good to hear that people enjoy looking at this stuff, I enjoy doing it (which isn't everyone's cup of tea) so it all works out nicely!

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Ad today, while looking at green justice to see if her buttocks were ok (sounds so wrong, but being an artist sometimes gets you out of trouble when you say stuff like that!), I noticed something.

She only had one ear!

Not sure how that got missed, I blame the hair. So after a quick hack job, she has a second one. I'm not planning a van gogh gremlin...

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Alrighty, a new update - a two and a half legged pig!


And the true test of how insanely big that sword is:



Next is some more work on the pig, to make him into two castable halves (the side I've made needs trimming back, and the other side will have the hair ridge and the sword on it)

And then it's a toss up what comes next, either more gremlin justice pieces, or the surreal comedy Death marsupials...

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They have Pig Trough's on their backs

*shock* That... Is.. Well, that's just solved the question of exactly what kind of coffins they could have! Consider it yoinked!

Cheers for the comments guys, I'm back to working on Gerald (I called the pig that, it just seemed to fit) at the moment, only being slightly slowed down by having to make him in two pieces. The way things are going, I may have GJ finished pretty soon.

I suspect I'll end up working on both the gremlin crew and the marsupials side by side (as well as my two other projects, I'm not short of things to sculpt!), since I want to do them both and may as well avoid choosing *grin*

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*shock* That... Is.. Well, that's just solved the question of exactly what kind of coffins they could have! Consider it yoinked!

Cheers for the comments guys, I'm back to working on Gerald (I called the pig that, it just seemed to fit) at the moment, only being slightly slowed down by having to make him in two pieces. The way things are going, I may have GJ finished pretty soon.

I suspect I'll end up working on both the gremlin crew and the marsupials side by side (as well as my two other projects, I'm not short of things to sculpt!), since I want to do them both and may as well avoid choosing *grin*

If I was after something I'd have to say I'd take a casting as payment for the idea hehehe

I can't wait to see them anyway and I'd love to get some if your going to cast them and sell them

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I'll most likely cast one, because painting sculpted models is a pain. It's the drawback of Fimo, the oils in it turn paint glossy even through Matt varnish, and can dissolve away some plastics (have heard it happens to bases...). Plus any disasters can be replaced. So my own copy will be a cast I suspect.

Beyond that, it gets kind of tricky. I'm always a little uncomfortable about it, because I'd love to have people with my stuff, as prizes for tournaments or for themselves. But it could easily be something that would tread on Wyrds toes, and there's no way I want to do anything that would irritate them!

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It's Fimo classic (the soft is a bit too soft), it takes a little getting used to but for a lot of things I prefer it to green stuff. There are times, like for hair, that I sometimes still use green as it stretches to points better, but I find Fimo easier to get sharp details in. And, like tonight, I can work to a point then stop, and pick up again tomorrow without having to worry about areas curing.

JAG suggested it and it really did help my sculpting. He also said get champagne colour or something similar, as white is too hard to see what you're doing with!

Green stuff is better for some things, Fimo for others. Next update, there'll be green stuff on it as I fitted plastic to the sword and that can't go in the oven to cure.

Also, I recommend using green stuff over the brass wire initially as its much much stickier. I've started to wrap wire in GS, let it part set (say 30-90 min) then use the tacky solid GS to help the Fimo stick. For small stuff, it means using the merest scrape of GS or you end up with it sticking out or in the way.

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Yeah, Fimo is a baked clay. Amusingly, it's more usual use is for kids to make stuff that you then bake so they can keep it. It just works stunningly well for this use too! You behave to keep it in a jam jar so. It doesn't get dusty while it's soft, and if you leave it for days it can go a bit crumbly, but I've done stuff one evening, then gone back to it over three or four evenings to get it right.

Shaper, initially my plans only go as far as the death marshals and judge (although the marsupial crew is crying out for a wombat executioner...), but who knows what will end up happening, these things do have a habit of getting rapidly out of control!

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Shaper, initially my plans only go as far as the death marshals and judge (although the marsupial crew is crying out for a wombat executioner...), but who knows what will end up happening, these things do have a habit of getting rapidly out of control!

So giving ideas like a big fat Gremlin with 2 Forks for Hands in front of a bubbling Cauldron for an Executioner and another Gremlin with coat tails as well as a paper plate for a mask is not the right idea?

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Well, it's that time of the day again. The continuing adventures of Gerald, the now three and a half legged pig!


So, as a quick explanation. The gap round the side of his neck is where the left body half comes off. The head, tail and right body are on one side, the spine hair, sword, and left body/legs are the other piece. That's taken a little fiddling to clean up the internal sides so they fit ok and aren't a total mess!

The sword blade and hilt aren't attached permanently, though they will be in the end, because I can't put plastic in the oven and Gerald needs at least one more baking.

He still needs ears and head hair, and a back leg, then it's straps for the sword and ophelias arms and he's done I think! If I got it right, she'll just fit on a 30mm base. Bit of a big if though *wink*

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