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Mako's Crew(s)


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Haha, someone just pointed out to me that her dress has a separate bodice type part to it. Not entirely sure how I missed that, but that'll have to be changed I think!

haha, and you outlined it pretty well with your highlights...

but don't wory, I didn't eeven notice it :) (although I know you will change it..)

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Right, further progress on Lilia. I've actually sharpened the Kohl under her left eye a bit to make the eye a bit narrower since I took this, but she's coming along steadily. If the weather would cool off, it would be much easier!


And now, here's a few pics of Jansen from the breach runners fiction I've been mucking about with:


So now, barring any bits that need a tweak, I'm on to the next ones. Question is, which to do next...

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A quick photo or two: first up, Lilia again - she's getting close to finished now, the hair and corset are the big changes. I'm glad I changed the corset, it defines her waist better, so cheers to those that commented on it!


And then, as a random preview of my next sculpted character, here's a pair of slightly ripped and repaired pants!


As always, comments, criticism, mockery, and mild insanity are most welcome!

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It's all done using glazes of brown/black. A couple to get the colour, then some wiggly vertical lines to form the pattern, then another layer or two of the glaze to smooth it together. You just need very thin paint (I use glaze medium as it keeps a bit of thickness but still reduces colour intensity, water can get too runny) and be sure to let it dry fully between layers, or bits will drag away and you get a nasty splodgy mess!

She's actually going to be the focus of my next step by step, so I'll have photos of me building the tights up. When I get around to converting all the images and getting them colour balanced and merged...

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And here we go, the finished article!


And for those that want a better view of the base, it looks like this:


I'm pretty happy with the wood effect, I think I've finally cracked getting wood to look how I want it. Pretty happy with her too, tho I'm sure there's things I could change, or that others would change. And if there is, do say, as it's always good to hear new ideas. They usually turn up in later models!

Next on the table is to try and finish the half painted stuff before I leave, so night terrors, Cassandra, and jaakuna ubume. And at some point those legs I sculpted need a top half I suppose...

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hey, why did you leave unpainted the...

Just kidding


love your wooden floor! (care to enlighten us how you did it?)

the model is superbe! makeup, stockings, feather pattern. everything.

only small thing I'd change is the strings holding her bodice to make them a bit more different from the cloth of the bodice itself. it is too similar, at least on the photos. even if they were the same colour, they are not of same material so shouldn't have the same "value" if you understand...

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I've lost count of the number of times I've realised I missed something, I even entered golden demon once, got to the final, and then noticed something I'd missed...

Ahh, those strings. Yeah. I really phoned it in on those, I did think of doing them red to match the other accents but then decided it would clash, toyed with doing then cream-white, then just got proper lazy and said sod it! But you're right, they do need something. Maybe I should give the cream-white a crack, see how that looks. Or possibly a dark, stockingy brown. What do people think?

The whole model will get a guide written for it, but if people want I can give you a sneaky preview of the wood now? :-P

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guide? make a proper one. no sneak peaks. we can wait (I can, at least)



red - might be too much. it's a great spot colour, but I think it'd overdo..

brownish - perhaps something similar to the colour of the stockings (see-through part)

cream white - would be adding another colour to the whole model. I like the balance of it...

so my vote (if it counts :) ): brownish...

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I do indeed, as we have regular painting sessions. Where we sit about, drink coffee, watch anime, and get absolutely no painting done...

Its a Very efficient process!

Oh, and there's fried chicken usually too

Edit: Also, it's about time you appeared on here! But now you actually have to paint the last of your Perdita crew, put pictures up, and face Kirai again *grin*

Edited by Mako
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Well, after trying the brown option, I decided it looked odd. So ended up going for red:


Which is massively improved over the brown. Thanks all for the input, it's good to get other peoples perspectives on things (and when I don't do something properly, get told to redo it!) *grin*

Just got to finish writing the tutorial now, and then can carry on preparing my other showgirl bases. If there's time, I might have a work on Jaakuna next, the base colour of her robes is sorted, she just needs the freehand doing before I can get the rest painted. But in typical style, I've gone for something quite complicated and fiddly!

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Aww, poor thing, having two crews to paint! Heh. I spent a few minutes today mucking about making a spreadsheet of my models, seeing how many I haven't even got round to touching yet was a little bit embarrassing!

My current completion stats sit at:

Guild - 72% untouched, 11% started, 11% finished (which is one model...)

Rezzers - none untouched, 27% started, 73% finished

Arcanists - 75% untouched, 20% started, 5% finished (just Lilia...)

Only 47 models though in total, so it's not too horrendous!

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Sadly, whatever talent i might have is going to be left to gather dust for a little while it seems - for the first time in about five years, my desk is totally clear. All my kit is packed so I can move it out. I'll be taking my sculpting gear with me to give me something to relax with, but my paints and models will get shipped over after I've got sorted out in my new job. So updates will be pretty random and rare for a while. I won't even be able to take photos of stuff if I do manage to sculpt something!

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May I inquire what your job is? What you do professionally (besides painting and sculpting, haha)?

A break is sometimes really nice as it helps your creative buds gather more juices and you can also enjoy the craft more when you get right back into it later. I took a break for a few weeks, mostly because I had to force myself to finish painting. After the break I am enjoying it again. ^^

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I have one of those lovely jobs where the title is so vague, I can get away with most things - I'm a scientific researcher. Although more accurately, I'm a bionanotechnologist. :Paralyzed_Puppet:

Yeah, breaks are useful, although ones I'm forced to ave when I'm in a painting mood suck a bit! Still, time to get sculpting more of my breach runners, and maybe even muck about with some rules for either if I feel really bored!

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Ok, despite my lack of painting supplies, I did finally get round to finishing the colour theory basics guide I was mucking about with. Hopefully, it helps people wanting to dabble in the edges of it. But it's by no means an exhaustive rule book, more a gentle nudge in the right direction hopefully!


And if anyone spots anything horribly awry in it, do say, I can always improve my understanding of it all!

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