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Why stop at pins,... we could go all the way to bumper stickers!!!

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 PM ----------

Although,.. if I do decide to do this, I guess I should ask how many people would want one? I mean,.. there's no point in making 100 t shirts if only 5 people are gonna show up. Perhaps I should take "pre-orders"?? Plus a few extras for any stragglers.

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Why stop at pins,... we could go all the way to bumper stickers!!!

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 PM ----------

Although,.. if I do decide to do this, I guess I should ask how many people would want one? I mean,.. there's no point in making 100 t shirts if only 5 people are gonna show up. Perhaps I should take "pre-orders"?? Plus a few extras for any stragglers.

Get a design made up and see how much interest there is...but I think badges/buttons/pins would be the better way to go.

Oooo... I want a badge to stick on whatever hat I get for my costume!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, not much progress to show. Struggling a bit for motivation with everything that's going on at the moment. But here's the start of my fire gamin, in their flesh and purple flames. Without any purple so far, of course.


One of the bases isn't fully finished, but they're supposed to be backstage/factory, to fit with whatever crew I want to put them with. So crates, exposed steel beams, and what will be a pulley block (that I need to sculpt). Nothing crazy, so they match my showgirls, but enough that they look industrial enough to match other things.

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The crate is burned away, but the floor planks themselves will be somewhat tougher beasts. If you've ever tried to light an aged plank like that, it takes a lot of effort.

They'll get charring painted on them once I've painted the woodwork, but actually burning them away wasn't necessary. I burned the crate to make sure the edges were the right shape.

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As an Englishman I'm shocked and appalled by the concept of spilling booze! Next you'll be suggesting I put milk in my tea instead of lemon... *grin*

But fret not, when I get round to painting them, I'll paint scorching on the wood. There's actually some melting metal on the one throwing a fireball, and will be some burned rope in the pulleys on the other. Which you can't see on the first, and I haven't done on the second. So that kind of spoils that a bit! Lol

Still, at the moment just getting brush to model is an achievement in itself. Might make progress with them this weekend, the rest of the week looks fairly busy.

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Mako, I'm a long time lurker first time poster on your thread. Can I just say one thing?

I hate you. In the nicest way possible I hate you. You're so good at painting, sculpting, and converting. The amount of jealousy I have if converted to cash could probably buy a Green Justice box set!

Seriously, your stuff is amazing and I love it. You're also an all around good guy on forums. Bravo sir, bravo.

Dont for an instant think your alone. And the longer your on the boards; the stronger the hate will grow. The talent of some the painters on this board (and Mako is top of the list) will disgust you to the point of.....

Damn envious gremlins taking over my keyboard again.... Great work as always Mako. Your a credit to our hobby.

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Heh, cheers Harbinger. I think. Lol

There's a good cluster of decent painters on here, isn't there. It's good to wander the showcase sometimes and see what's going on. But one day I'll have convinced everyone it's all a matter of practice and patience, and then you'll all be making me look rubbish!

And if you're at GenCon, don't forget to ask about the Mako's rubbish campaign buttons, we have to dispel the myth of me being good! *grin*

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And if you're at GenCon, don't forget to ask about the Mako's rubbish campaign buttons, we have to dispel the myth of me being good! *grin*

Generally speaking the better a player is at painting and sculpting the worse they are at the actual playing of the game. I mean after all if your going to lose a lot then you might as well look good doing it right? :)

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Generally speaking the better a player is at painting and sculpting the worse they are at the actual playing of the game. I mean after all if your going to lose a lot then you might as well look good doing it right? :)

I, for one, actually fit this comment perfectly. While not a great painter (at least as compared to Mako), I think I do ok with a brush. Conversely speaking,.. I suck at playing. I think my record is something like 5 wins and 27 loses or some such *grin*

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I, for one, actually fit this comment perfectly. While not a great painter (at least as compared to Mako), I think I do ok with a brush. Conversely speaking,.. I suck at playing. I think my record is something like 5 wins and 27 loses or some such *grin*

Locally at least I break the mold. Not sure on a larger scale since I don't get out much. But I am fairly proud of my painting, and my record is pretty solid, when I'm not just screwing around, (and even sometimes then as well.)

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It's taken me way too long to get round to this, which is kind of embarrassing! But here's some photos of my Coryphee bases that show the interchangeable magnet setup I put in.


Both coryphee have the same shape wooden base (made from coffee stirrers), which fits into all the holes on the bases. You can see the pin that holds the standing coryphee, which I bent into a groove on the wood and filed the little bulge away. I built the bases with the coryphee in place and tweaked things until both fit neatly. Then I drilled a 2mm hole in one of the coryphee base sections and glued in a little disc magnet, greenstuffing around it to fully seal it in. I used a dab of paint to mark a rough location for the hole in every base slot, drilled them a bit big, then one by one fitted magnets. Easiest way was to stick the magnet to the one in the wood, put the coryphee in place, then glue and greenstuff over and around the hole in the round base from underneath. For the raised one, I had to fix it in place with a dab of glue in the hole before dropping in the coryphee, then greenstuff around the magnet after. Some sanding and checking, and then they could be painted up (which I still haven't done, despite sorting the bases almost a year ago...)

I'll do the same with my second pair (eventually) so any two of them can dance together onto any base and use any 40mm base too. Saves me trying to find the right base when I want one pair!

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Ok, I've finally got another update. This time, the fire gamin are sorted out except the bases:


And also, I've started to work on giant Lucius, his upper body has started being bulked out to allow me to balance his proportions more and get the sculpt going again.


And a little thing I'm sculpting for a friend, a steampunk 12-13 year old school student girl. Carefully didn't say schoolgirl there, as that sounds... creepy.


She'll be 25mm to the top of her head, so she's pretty tiny!

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Cheers monkey!

The girl is close to done so that's one thing almost off the project list. And the gamin are for GenCon so them being painted is a relief too. Lucius, of course, is going to take blasted forever to finish. Even with the foil and wood core, he weighs a fair chunk already *grin*

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