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Lady J is Dead....kind of


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With rules for Avatars in the next book, it makes sense from a story perspective for her to live beyond death but if they make the leader of the undead hunters into undead herself, that would be kind of cliche and disappointing.

Also, I'm just now starting to appreciate her so she better stick around!

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With rules for Avatars in the next book, it makes sense from a story perspective for her to live beyond death but if they make the leader of the undead hunters into undead herself, that would be kind of cliche and disappointing.

Also, I'm just now starting to appreciate her so she better stick around!

I've always thought her hated came from the that she or the judge was secretly kill and raised, but raised too well and rebelled against whoever Raised them

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I've always thought her hated came from the that she or the judge was secretly kill and raised, but raised too well and rebelled against whoever Raised them

That would actually lower my disgust to tolerable levels and I would once again enjoy it. While still cliche, it would temper it a lot.

:pulls up a chair with a lemonaide and bag of popcorn:

Man, I could really go for some lemonade...

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For the record, I'm not pissed off: I reserve judgement until we get the details. So far, Wyrd hasn't disappointed so I'm sure they can handle this in a fashion that pleases me.

well to start, why would it be cliché? second, i think it's only normal that this is her avatar, it's the same as sonnia, sonnia has the power and avatar of an arcanist and she hunts them, this is the same with justice,

i think you don't like the avatar because the smiley is not as dramatic and big, as the rest of them, and because its "only" headless justice with her sword. i think if justice would have great wings as the shikome and great claws as a great eagle AND resser powers, you wouldn't mind at all.

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For the record, I'm not pissed off: I reserve judgement until we get the details. So far, Wyrd hasn't disappointed so I'm sure they can handle this in a fashion that pleases me.

From justices (short) background we know she has an unnatural hatred of the undead and for revenge is the strongest motivation someone could have for this type of behaviour, not only that but she is undead and most likely hates herself for it. Every time she see an undead creature it simple reminds her of what she is and she hates it even more.

Basically Lady Justice is on a deeply seated revenge spiral and no one is going to stop her

That and if done properly, Lady Justice backstory as a novel would be amazing

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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well to start, why would it be cliché? second, i think it's only normal that this is her avatar, it's the same as sonnia, sonnia has the power and avatar of an arcanist and she hunts them, this is the same with justice,

i think you don't like the avatar because the smiley is not as dramatic and big, as the rest of them, and because its "only" headless justice with her sword. i think if justice would have great wings as the shikome and great claws as a great eagle AND resser powers, you wouldn't mind at all.

It would be cliche because of the tired old trope of "becoming the thing you hate". However, as Silver Chocobo said, if she already is/was, that would be easier to swallow.

And please don't make assumptions about why I do or do not like things. The avatar and subsequent model don't bother me at all; it's the story and idea behind it. Also, I'll miss ol' Lady J, what with her being dead and all :'(

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It would be cliche because of the tired old trope of "becoming the thing you hate". However, as Silver Chocobo said, if she already is/was, that would be easier to swallow.

And please don't make assumptions about why I do or do not like things. The avatar and subsequent model don't bother me at all; it's the story and idea behind it. Also, I'll miss ol' Lady J, what with her being dead and all :'(

sorry i made some assuptions, but i have i only agree with that if it would be like that, because the avatar is not as big and special as others. sorry i offended you :)

and what is the special rule from justice?? death marshal ;)

death marshal are actually part undead and ressers ;) so fluff wise, yess the avatar is normal ;)

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sorry i made some assuptions, but i have i only agree with that if it would be like that, because the avatar is not as big and special as others. sorry i offended you :)

and what is the special rule from justice?? death marshal ;)

death marshal are actually part undead and ressers ;) so fluff wise, yess the avatar is normal ;)

...now I feel dumb. I -totally- forgot about the death marshalls. You win. I'm totally cool with Lady J again :D

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Oh hey, "ajustice" could just as easily be ALTERNATE Justice, not necessarily Avatar Justice ...

atlernate justice? noo i don't think so. alternate model is the same model, but in a different pose. and i don't think justice her head can be taken off like that ;)

the first 4 where all avatars, it would be weird if they now gave an alternate model.

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