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Coryphee teleport question



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Interesting. Does Dance Partner mention target? Without a target whole chunks of the rules around measuring, range, legal targets and LOS do not apply. If it does not mention target I am not sure there is any reason why you cannot just measure to each Coryphee or Duet and then decide which one to Switch/ Place with.

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Interesting. Does Dance Partner mention target? Without a target whole chunks of the rules around measuring, range, legal targets and LOS do not apply. If it does not mention target I am not sure there is any reason why you cannot just measure to each Coryphee or Duet and then decide which one to Switch/ Place with.

It doesn't say target, but I'm not sure how this would permit pre-measuring when it is expressly forbidden?

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It doesn't say target, but I'm not sure how this would permit pre-measuring when it is expressly forbidden?

It could work like so -

- Anounce that you are casting the spell (no target required so you dont anounce it)

- Succesfully cast the spell (spell goes off)

- Resolve effect from spell (the spell only allowes you to chose a model within 18" so you are allowed to measure to see if a particular model is within 18") note not exactly premeasuring because the spell restricts you to models within 18"

this is of cource predicated on the spell not requiring a target

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That's the problem! Card wording is '(1) dance partner place this model in base contact with a friendly coryphee or coryphee duet within 18" . or switch places with etc

So the problem arises with two options.

For the record we played it out as declare one then measure.

Another q by the wording on the card can the coryphee cant dance to cassandra only she can dance to them?

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It doesn't say target, but I'm not sure how this would permit pre-measuring when it is expressly forbidden?
If it does not say target, then premeasuring does not come into it. This is because you are not nominating a specific model as a target for your Action, so you are not measuring from this model to that one. Instead there is a class of models (all Coryphee or Duets within 18") which can be chosen from, making Dance Together work like an ability with a radius. The Action operates within a set radius of 18", letting Cassandra Place or Switch with any Coryphee or Duet within that radius. As with a radius, you can measure in all directions and see who is in and who is out.
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That's the problem! Card wording is '(1) dance partner place this model in base contact with a friendly coryphee or coryphee duet within 18" . or switch places with etc

So the problem arises with two options.

For the record we played it out as declare one then measure.

Another q by the wording on the card can the coryphee cant dance to cassandra only she can dance to them?

Declare the Action is being used.

Spend the required AP.

Measure 18" from the acting model to your intended switching/placing to model.

If within range complete the Action.

If not within range, the Action fails and the AP is lost.

And yes, Cassandra can only Switch with or be Placed in base contact with a Coryphee or Coryphee Duet not the other way around.

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Declare the Action is being used.

1. Spend the required AP.

2. Measure 18" from the acting model to your intended switching/placing to model.

3. If within range complete the Action.

4. If not within range, the Action fails and the AP is lost.

And yes, Cassandra can only Switch with or be Placed in base contact with a Coryphee or Coryphee Duet not the other way around.

(numbers added above)

So to clarify, if both Coryphee are within 18", Cassandra can still only pick one during Step 2?

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Page 6 of the rules manual:

There is no premeasuring in Malifaux. You must declare an Action and spend the required Action Poiunts prior to measuring the distance required for the Action.

I believe that you can measure which models are engaged with what at any time, which is kind of like premeasuring, under some circumstances.

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If it does not say target, then premeasuring does not come into it. This is because you are not nominating a specific model as a target for your Action, so you are not measuring from this model to that one. Instead there is a class of models (all Coryphee or Duets within 18") which can be chosen from, making Dance Together work like an ability with a radius. The Action operates within a set radius of 18", letting Cassandra Place or Switch with any Coryphee or Duet within that radius. As with a radius, you can measure in all directions and see who is in and who is out.

Just to clarify for future readers, as per Sketch's ruling this is wrong. Any spells/abilities etc like this work as Sketch has set out, you are not allowed to pre-measure.

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I believe that you can measure which models are engaged with what at any time, which is kind of like premeasuring, under some circumstances.

I think the only time you can do this is when you're engaged with the dreamer and that was changed in a recent ruling/errata.

Could be wrong though.

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I think the only time you can do this is when you're engaged with the dreamer and that was changed in a recent ruling/errata.

Could be wrong though.

Not sure what you mean by engaged, but the rulebook specificially says that you can check a model's melee range at any time. So that's why the Dreamer's interaction works a bit differently.

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