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Stitched together & reactivation



We had a weird situation this week. I killed a stitched together before its first activation. It was killed and remained in play for another activation. During its activation it gambled its life and lost, causing it to die.

Does it gain another activation with reactivation?

A questions we had when trying to resolve it.

1) what constitutes 'activated', Is it starting the activation or completing the activation. I don't have the wording of stitched together in front of me, but I recall an if and or but triggering the gaining of reactivate.

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If the Stitched Together has not activated yet this turn or is not currently activating, then Does Not Die! Will not give it Reactivate.

If it is currently Activating and it dies (say from losing Gable Your Life) then it gains Reactivate as a model is considered to be activated when it starts it's activation.

If it's already already Activated in the turn and then Does Not Die kicks in, it will gain reactivate.

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a model is considered to be activated when it starts it's activation.

Is that from the book, or opinion. We didn't see that clarification anywhere when we looked.

The English language is usually:

During you activation you are activating the model,

when you are done your activation you have activated.

The work activating is not in the Malifaux terminology anywhere so I am reluctant to use that as a ruling. We played as you didn't because we felt the spirit of the ability was to get one more activation after if died. But that was a social game. In a competitive format, like the league we are starting at my LGS soon may require something more definitive.

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I disagree about the English language interpretation. You activate it, then it is activated, then it takes its actions. The word activation normally only applies to the very start/initiation of something. By the literal definition I don't think a model could use any AP until it had finished activating. Whether this holds for the game term I cant say.


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One more, for dummies, had a bit discussion around here.

I kill non-activated Stitched. DnD activates. Fine.

Opponent activates Stitched. Gambles. Looses. Dnd kick in AGAIN.

Stitched reactivates.Gambles again. Stays there.

Dies at the end.

Is it correct to kill your own stitch to gain Reactivate?

Edited by Katcher
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Every time the Stitched would be killed by being reduced to 0 wounds, Does Not Die kicks in.

If this happens before the Stitched has activated (see above) then it does not gain Reactivate. He might die multiple times before he has activated and each time Does Not Die will not give it Reactivate.

If he is killed during his first activation or at any point after that, then Does Not Die will give Reactivate, even if the stitched had already been killed earlier in the turn before he had activated.

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This is a pretty old thread that was pulled up.

It was my understanding that a stitched (or anything) can only reactivate one time per turn. So while DnD can kick in over and over again to keep the stitched on the board until the end of the turn, it can, in fact, only activate a maximum of two times (normal activation + 1 reactivate maximum).


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Turbodog: You are correct, the point being that it can die over and over again and if it doesn't get killed after it has activated then it won't get Reactivate at all and will only activate once that turn before being sacrificed at the end of the turn.

pixelant: Generally speaking, there's no reason a model can't gain Reactivate before it has activated in a turn. Unless I'm mistaken Precious can give a model who has not yet activated Reactivate, and that model will be able to activate twice (once normally and a second time thanks to Reactivate). It does not happen with the Stitched because Does Not Die specifically doesn't give Reactivate if the Stitched hasn't already activated.

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So a model will not receive reactivate if it hasn't activated this turn like getting reactivate from precious when a Performer dies near them.

No, a model may recieve reactivate even if it hasn't already activated.

However the wording on Does Not Die says that if the stitched has already activated then it recieves reactivate.

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