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Avatar model ideas


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I really liked how Pandora came out in her avatar model! Are there any plans to release more of diffrent masters in this style? What ideas do you guys have?

I for one would love a kirai that could be modeled "petting" a seishin or even be weilding her gardening scissors broken into two peices in both hands with a "swirling" spirit-esque base.

What do you guys think?

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Oh they're coming alright :D

Haven't seen or heard anything, but it's accepted that Book 3 will introduce Avatars into the game with many Masters getting "epicified"

Gencon 2011 is gonna be awesome :D

As for my own ideas... I see Perdita twisting in the air, surrounded by firing pistols. Sonnia Criid would likely be closer to fire elemental than human, Rasputina same but with ice. Marcus would get hairier, Som'er fatter, Zoraida... boobier? You get the idea ;)

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Based on the available art, and practical concerns of drawing this out to a more lucrative long-term business for the guys at Wyrd, I'm only anticipating one Avatar per faction at the moment.

Guild - Sonnia (we see this art in the new condensed rules manual)

Resurrectionists - I'd guess Nicodem, but Seamus has fluff potential

Arcanists - Rasputina (again, via art preview)

Neverborn - Pandora (herp da derp)

Outcasts - ... either Victorias (together on a 50mm?) or Leveticus (again, fluff potential)

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Based on the available art, and practical concerns of drawing this out to a more lucrative long-term business for the guys at Wyrd, I'm only anticipating one Avatar per faction at the moment.

Guild - Sonnia (we see this art in the new condensed rules manual)

Resurrectionists - I'd guess Nicodem, but Seamus has fluff potential

Arcanists - Rasputina (again, via art preview)

Neverborn - Pandora (herp da derp)

Outcasts - ... either Victorias (together on a 50mm?) or Leveticus (again, fluff potential)

Sonnia : definitely she doesn't look as powerfull as she is

Rasputina : agree on this one there's a big potential out here (but please keep it cool for the average assembler)

Neverborn : Zoraida is cool but there might be ways to make her more attractive for the "average" player... (just a little bit more agressive would do... though I would not like this move).

Lilith could be re-done but she's already a good starting point for beginners I guess

Outcast : definitely Leveticus (though he's probably excellent once mastered) but don't forget Som'Er - goblins definitily need some more play appeal...

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I am kinda 50/50 on these I hope there not to over the top , maybe having to pay soul stones to reach that form .

but here is a few cool notions

lady J - eye bandages off with glowing golden eyes and hair blowing .

Hoffman - mega suit !

Marcus - would love to see a huge beast form . he needs an upgrade anyway .

Vikies - I liked the 50mm idea

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...must resist... talking... NOOO! Not the Bear!!!

I know....

Can't wait to see how the various Avatar models turn out though. Pandora's is awesome, and just simply based on the Sonnia artwork from Rules Manual....drool. I'm not a Guild player per se (yes, I have Hoffman, but that's because I like robots :vb_tongue ), but if Sonnia's Avatar model looks anything like the artwork, I will DEFINITELY be buying her and her crew.

All I can say is that GenCon is going to be flipping awesome.

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Off Topic: Speaking of gencon, anyone willing to grab me a gencon mini if there is one?

Whatever the con exclusive is, it will probably be available online through the web store, just like Miss Pack was last year. If you bought $100 worth of stuff, whether through the web store or in person at GenCon, that's how you got her.

On Topic: An avatar version of Levi- half abomination cyborg

Yeah, I'm really curious to see what his ends up looking like, since no artwork of an Avatar form was in the Rules Manual. I'm really curious about his background in general though. We honestly know more about Alyce than we do about Levi himself, from the fluff we've been given so far.

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