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CloudFangs Rezzers!


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Ok, pretty new to Malifaux.. not so new to minis games.. but decided to start a thread to show my work through collecting and painting the Ressurrectionists... as of right now i have both the Kirai and Seamus box sets... and plan to collect all Rezzers and pretty much only rezzers... Hope you all enjoy and please feel free to ask questions, i will try to post as much of my progress as possible.

and feel free to critique as harshly as you would like... i wont take it personally... so:

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Heres the start of my kirai set... i have sculpted my own bases by hand and added a bit to the top of datsue-bai's head piece..(somewhere i saw a photo of a datsue bai with a huge head carving and i thought it would look awesome on the mini)..

bases will hopefully appear something like this(will add the banner poles later):


the color scheme for kirai will be something like this:


her komono will have a crane design like so:


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i think the onryo will be something like the grey patterned figures in this image?:


with faces something like this!?:


dont know, i have never attempted painting japanes characters..

datsue-bai will probably be all white... and the ikiryo will probably be a take off of kirai- maybe not still trying to figure that one out... lemme know what you think.. and the sheishin will be a spirity version of some of the colors already in the scheme probably pinks/yellows/oranges like kirai's dresses.

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so heres what i have so far... not much really.. i have basically just base coated kirai... trying to get some opinions on the crane pattern.. its pretty freakin small but i think it will end up looking fine because most komonos are decorated to the point where its hard to make out the actual image but it still looks pretty awesome...

also apologies for the bad pics.. i didnt have time to set things up and take quality photos yet.. i will do that in the future though...


if you look at the image in the above post i think you will get what im reaching for on the dress.


heres the japanese graveyard bases..


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for seamus i am trying to achieve a street feel for the bases similar to the terrain from world works games i have been making which is really cool! and i will post some of that stuff on here too if peeps want to take a look... as far as the color scheme i havent even thought about that yet.. but i am toying with the idea of pinstripes...

heres the street terrain:


heres what i got so far:


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I love the bases for Kirai ( きらい ). I'd been trying to think of something besides the bamboo bases I always see and thats a fantastic idea. I had also toyed around with either Koi pond/Zen Garden idea but not sure how to implement it yet.

I am loving the Kimono on her.

I had thought to do the cobblestone on Seamus when I painted them up for JackTheRipper but we went with the graveyard bases.

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spent some time on her kimono. its sooo small it took for ever for me to figure out how to paint it too look right.. realized i went about it sort of backwards.. anyway heres some photos with some shades and highlights instead of just base coat.. also the photos are a lot better, except for with all the white primer still showing the white balance is a little off... also wondering what you guys think about the pattern on the orange waist tie thing? should i also play with this pattern on the yellow? or leave it the way it is?

also black hair? or white hair? thought black originally but bride with white hair style might be cool?





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well, ive had a little bit of practice but kirai is so freakin small and all the folds in the fabric make it really tough... i checked out your little demon on the punkzombie! that came out pretty cool man.. if you wanna check out some of my other freehand try these:


and some other guys if anyones interested:


cant wait to finish this crew and the seamus crew however, i have been really diggin painting these malifaux guys.

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dgraz- your crew is sick! nice work.. ive actually been really motivated by yours and rattys kirai crews... i like the highlight on the hair.. gets that sheen. im going for that for sure... also i dig the wings on the shikome.. i did something similar with my legion of everblight winged creatures.. i threw a link in a few posts up you should check it out...

i almost went with flowers for the kimono... it was tough not too.. im actually thinking of ordering another kirai or two in order to create some alt. kimono styles... think that would be pretty cool...

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dgraz- your crew is sick! nice work.. ive actually been really motivated by yours and rattys kirai crews... i like the highlight on the hair.. gets that sheen. im going for that for sure... also i dig the wings on the shikome.. i did something similar with my legion of everblight winged creatures.. i threw a link in a few posts up you should check it out...

Thanks a lot. For the hair, remember that less is more when working black hair. Use only small highlights and leave it mostly black.

I checked out your legion and I really liked your color scheme. Gotta be one of my favorite Legion crews. How did you get that orange fade in there? Did you start orange and build up, or was it a wash/ink after? It looks especially good around the Carni's scales.

i almost went with flowers for the kimono... it was tough not too.. im actually thinking of ordering another kirai or two in order to create some alt. kimono styles... think that would be pretty cool...

Heh, that was one of my toughest decisions on that crew. I must've looked at a hundred kimonos.

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