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Puppets War minis


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Even despite their small size, these are awesome minis. I am thinking about ordering some and finding some place to proxy them.

Shame that all of their models are 28mm.

Also, I want your signature banner as a tattoo!

Feel free. Was my first ever banner I made, I've liked it so much I still use it like 4 years later.

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Malifaux doesnt work with Line of Sight... ust stick it on the appropriately-sized base and VIOLA!

One of my Teddies will be a White Rabbit I got with the Reaper Alice in Wonderland mini. He might be tiny, but he's going to be the Malifaux versions of the rabbit form Monty Python and the Holy Grail, heheh.

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I simply used Jackalope in my Alice-themed crew

Very nice idea. I'm not going so much for a Alice theme, just some random ideas and having different sorts of models. I'm planning out a Dreamer/LCB crew that will have a few daydreams and as many teddies as I can cram into it.

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Very nice idea. I'm not going so much for a Alice theme, just some random ideas and having different sorts of models. I'm planning out a Dreamer/LCB crew that will have a few daydreams and as many teddies as I can cram into it.

Sounds like a plan.

How will you paint the Teddies?

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