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Gencon 2011 demo minis


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I won't be at Gencon myself, but I'll be there in spirit.

It is once again my great pleasure and honor to be helping Wyrd get their demo models ready.

Here is the first set, two Rasputinas. Photobucket as usual, so just click for larger shots.



Hope you like them. Some little spots on the bases to touch up and I know it's normally my thing to do some freehand stuff, but I have a lot to do, so if I can get everything done, I'll try to go back and put something on (probably snowflakes for Raspy)

Next up is two Sonnias.

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Woah, that's cool. I didn't realize they tapped the talent from the players to supply the demo models. Very cool.

I've volunteered to help at the Con, so if I end up getting to play with these ones at all, I'll try to take some more in-action photos. :)


I don't know who they have besides me this year, but I know last year I only did a few crews and they had someone else also working on them.

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Personally, I prefer the Raspy on the right with the gamin on the left.

What colours did you use on them to get the recesses to glow?

Well, I wanted each little squad to be easily recognized as going together so I made sure I used the same colors throughout. The Raspy and Gamin on the right were done with GW Hawk Turquiose & Red, while the ones on the left were done with GW Enchanted Blue and a more orange/red.

To get the glow, I just did a reverse paint job. Normally I paint darkest to lightest (recesses to highlights) so I just reversed the order - went from white up thru Enchanted Blue with a bit of Regal Blue as my "highlight". It's the same way I would paint fire, the hottest/whitest point would be closest to the center and the cooler/ redder (or in this case bluer) would be furthest away.

I was trying to go for a "radiating cold" look.

The Hordes Pyre Troll in my painting thread is also a good example of this, but with the natural flame colors.

Thanks for looking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just want to give a quick update. My second Sonnia set is so damn close to being done, but I had surgery on my eye last week and it has really shut me down. Hopefully I'll be able to see by the end of this week and I can get rolling again.

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Gotta make that deadline, deadline, deadline. :)

Seriously, no - not painting - that's the problem. Sonnia was almost done before the surgery and I haven't touched her since. I can't see out of my right eye and my depth perception is really off.

I will take just a little machine-like credit though, I am cleaning and assembling demo minis so they'll be ready when I am.


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*sighs* Dgraz your posts are allways alternately motivating and depressing all at once. Motivating because they do wonders for showing what is possible...and depressing because i want to be that good NIAOW!!!!

No patience in the cat today it seems. Seriously though,I love what you did with Sonnia. one side note,had you considered giving her painted fingernails? I found that it did wonders to make things look better.

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*sighs* Dgraz your posts are allways alternately motivating and depressing all at once. Motivating because they do wonders for showing what is possible...and depressing because i want to be that good NIAOW!!!!

No patience in the cat today it seems. Seriously though,I love what you did with Sonnia. one side note,had you considered giving her painted fingernails? I found that it did wonders to make things look better.

Thanks. You'll get there. Not a bad idea on the nails - maybe I'll try it on the one that"s almost done (when I can see).

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  • 1 month later...

Well folks, anyone who has subscribed to this thread, I must apologize but there won't be any more updates. That surgery that I had on my eye has ruined me. I still can't see and I just told Nathan that I give up. If they want to have painted minis for Gencon then they need to have someone else paint them and I wanted them to have enough time to get it done. I had a lot of cool ideas for lots of models, but I just won't be able to pull it off.

I'd like to apologize to the folks that regularly follow my threads. Believe me, it's not for a lack of will, I just can't do it. When I first started on the artistic path I wanted to draw comic books for a living, after I kind've gave up on that about 10 years ago, I redefined myself as a painter of toy soldiers. I've been shut down for over a month now and (with no end in sight) it's really messing with my mind. Please believe that I'm really messed up over the entire situation.

So I apologize again, but there it is.



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I hope all goes well man , I know sometimes the healing time on that sort of thing can take a while . I hope to see you back to painting ASAP .

And hey if you have too , over time you can retrain the eye to better judge depth . It would take time but passion can over come a lot .

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Seriously my friend,take the time to become healed. You have nothing to apologize for,there is not a single person that reads your threads or has learned from your example and teachings that doesn't wish you the absolute best. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Wyrd would rather not have the minis at all then risk the health and wellbeing of one of its painters.

You have my hopes and prayers to a full recovery.Remember..you will heal fully in time.Take the time you need to heal with a free heart. You WILL pick up your brush and accomplish wonders again. I have no doubt of it,and neither should you.

Rest and Recover friend


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My coworker, oldoneeye here on the forums, as you might guess from the name is mono-ocularly challenged, and he's adapted to painting quite well, so even if you don't have 100% recovery, I'm sure you'll be just fine in the painting department.

Like learning to paint from the beginning, don't get discouraged and keep at it. Here's hoping to see some more great minis from you in the future! :cheers:

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I had a fairly serious retinal detachment on my left eye about 20 years ago and that took about a year to heal. So I feel ya man. It's super frustrating to be a visual person and not be able to discern things the way you once were.

But things got better....

Now I'm looking at cataracts because of that surgery and my vision has been really weird lately. Its super frustrating to be a visual person and not be able to discern things the way you once did.

But things will get better...

Hang in there buddy- talent will always find a way to be expressed.


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