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New to Guild, where to begin....


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Hi Guild players,

I was wondering if there would be any veteran players on the Malifaux circuit who could help me with where to start with The Guild.

I have been looking at all the different crews and decided on The Guild due to minis and fluff. Therefore, I would ideally like to know if they are a good starting crew, where to start and if anybody out there knows of any Malifaux players in the Essex, UK area?

Thanks in advance

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All three of the Book 1 masters make a good starting point for the guild. Lucius is a little restricted in options, and Hoffman is too new for me to know yet.

The biggest advantage in playing the guild is that all your models play well together. This means every time you by a new blister or box it will give you a range of new choices.

My personal suggestion is get two box sets and that will give you a variety in master, and a good range on minions to use. Anyone of the box sets playes well at 25 soulstone.

Afraid I don't know anyone in the Essex area, but London and Cambridge both have groups playing, so depending on which part of essex you live in, they might be travelable.


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Thanks for your response, do you have any recommendations for a brand new starter that offers an easier learning curve to learn the rules? Or should I go for which minis I like the look of?

The easiest Master box to start with is Lady Justice but all the Guild lady Masters are rather beginner friedly, so I suggest going with your gut (meaning aesthetic sensibilities ;)).

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I spoke to a few potential Essex based players at Salute, but can't remember if they bought into the game.

There was some interest from the owner of Tole Haven in Hornchurch if that's any help. Discussed running a demo day there if there was enough potential interest.

Anyway, welcome to the game. Guild are my prime faction, and go with the master you like the look of first (the rest will follow!).

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In terms of Learning the game, Justice is an easy one to pick up. For a slightly more challenging crew with a easy to play master, Perdita is your gal. If you want the harder of the 3 book one masters that is very rewarding when played right, Sonnia is your girl (I have so many people that watch me play Sonnia and cry over how it can be to play her)

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Welcome to the Guild!! I really have nothing to add. The Book 1 Crews work really well together. It's easy to mix and match crews once you've started. Justice is your usual hack and slash beat stick; Perdita has a little more finess, but is very straight forward, and a beast in her own right; Criid is more subtle, with more to think about as you move through the game. Any of them are great starting sets.

And again, Welcome to the Guild :D

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome to the guild Gareth.

I started with the Ortega box set and then added in abuela and a executioner for variety. Perdita is for your opponents a nightmare. My fiancee and resser player threw seamus, 3 rotten belles sybelle (who was resummoned twice) before finally taking her down. Her box offers amazing synergy with the whole crew having family. Abuela would allow a non family member to join the fun too with her 'shotgun wedding' rule.

I am not looking at adding sonnias boxed set as a few of the ortegas would run well with her.

But like everyone has said, go with the models that appeal the most and match your play style. Combat (Lady J) Shooting (Perdita) Magic (Sonnia).

Have fun and enjoy.

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Since everyone else has allready stated wht boxes are good to start with,I will go into a little bit more of things that are good to add.

Nino,if you arent playing perdita.he is long range death in a 7 point package.If you are playing perdita you allready have him.

A guild austringer or two.These guys...there are just way too many uses for them.

A watcher or two. Guild crews have some mobility issues,not many,but they have some mild issues getting far objectives..the watchers can take care of that nicely.

A witchling stalker or two if your not running Sonnia. these guys have hunter and scout,so good mobility. they can mess up enemy casters quite nicely.

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