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Well, actual Colette I could see using gallows humor when her girls are up against something dangerous. Doodle Colette would be like "Well, I'm just going to say it-- Sally, I really don't think you're coming back from this one." She's really more like Sonnia than she wants to admit.

But this post is about Kirai! Kirai post!



~*~In Loving Memory of Francis P. General~*~



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I'm using my Wyrd blog now! I've never used a blog before, so prepare for a certain amount of lameness in that regard. I'll be putting more serious/in-depth endeavors there, while still using this for the lighthearted doodley bits.

There's stuff in the first post now, but right here have a little sketch of the Governor's Own best-selling flavor at the Star, Chocolette Du Bois.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Blast! I kept an eye out for you guys all weekend and must've missed ya. Of course, I don't know what you look like, so that makes it tough, haha. Hope you guys had a good time at the con, though.

Now that you're home though....I think after you read Mei Feng's fluff, that Sonnia may find a new broody friend for your Malidoodles, LOL.

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Oh, Mei Feng seems like the kind of person Sonnia would try to be friends with and have absolutely no success at it.

But if there's anyone we're already forming ideas for at Malidoodles, Inc., it's McCabe/Sidir and Jakob Lynch. Those jumped out immediately, but the others will require another scan of the fluff I think.

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