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Help me kill Chompy

law and disorder

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You go after your strategies and schemes, and punish mercilessly any mistakes that the Dreamer player makes. Honestly there really isn't anything you can do to specifically kill LCB in my experience.

If you are specifically gunning for him you would need to count on:

A) The Dreamer player making a mistake and leaving LCB out in range of a model or group of models that can hurt him.

B) The Dreamer player not having enough Soul Stones to use in the defense or healing of LCB.

C) The Dreamer player not having sources of healing on other models.

I'm not saying the LCB is invincible, because he really isn't. It's just that if you are specifically trying to kill him you have an uphill battle on your hands. The best advice I've had on dealing with LCB from Dreamer players if that you need to understand the Dreamer's crew (and in particular LCB) is going to kill an important model in your crew. Accept it, plan for it, and move on. Be prepared to leverage any mistake made in positioning or timing the Dreamer player makes. Focus on completing your VP conditions, and attempting to deny the Dreamer his. You'll have better success if you just ignore him as a dedicated target, and consider him more a target of opportunity.

An example I can give for recent experience was a game where I was playing Kirai Vs. the Dreamer. The Dreamer player was a newer player and kept leaving Chompy out after activating. I got trigger happy and kept trying to kill him so I could complete my VP in peace. I summoned the Ikiryo out on him 3 or 4 times during the game and repeatedly mauled chompy. At the end of the game I had reduced him to 1 or 2 wounds multiple times, drained all 8 stones the Dreamer brought with him, and failed to stop Coppelius from healing him twice. The practical upshot of which turned out to be a loss for me. If I had just kept Kirai focused on denying him his strategy instead of trying to kill LCB I'd have most likely won.

In your case specific Tactics I'd use. Use Perdita as your master and bring along the family, and an austringer or two. Focus on your strategy and schemes, but keep the pressure on the Dreamer's crew with fire power and continually harass what ever model the dreamer is using as his bodyguard with your austringers. Additionally targeting his daydreams with your austringers I have found is helpful.

If he uses stitched togethers as bodyguards try to kill them early in the round and out of range of their gamble your life ability. Spread your models out at medium ranges. Close enough that the models can all easily support each other, but far enough away that an alp bomb or Nightmare hit squad can't get more than one or two. If the LCB ever stays out, activate your companion abilities and concentrate fire on him. Even if you don't kill him you'll most likely drain away his stones which will help reduce his lethality.

I hope some of this information might help. GL

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Yeah you don't need to kill anything on the battlefield to win a game. It's entirely down to VP. Case in point a game we had last week. It was a 3 Player Shared Slaughter. I managed to kill a lot of one of the opponents models, the Nicodem player failed to score any ss from kills at all during the game. But as he completed both of his Schemes and his force was still intact, he managed to tie with me. (Well he did till I pointed out Jack Daw had killed something and therefore gave me 1VP).

Another great example was in the first Malifaux tournament were a player called over Eric and went I've got full VPs as I killed everything in my opponent crew. Eric looked at him and went "really", tallied up the VPs and found that the opponent who didn't have a model on the table had won as he had completed all his objectives.

Never get too focused on killing. Killing normally helps get your objectives, but you should always have an eye to make sure you are also completing your Schemes and Strategies.

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So you mean if you get the objective done and you didn't kill chompy, you still win the game?

Right, At the first Gencon tourney way back a when there was a table where someone totally wiped out the other player. But when they scored the game it was clear that the person wiped of the table still completed more of there objectives, thus scored more VP and won the game.

Honestly its one of my favorite aspects of the game and one I often bring up when people complain a certain combo is unbeatable. You win by scoring VP and half of the objectives you pick to score you choose youself. Remember that and the game becomes a lot easier

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Right, At the first Gencon tourney way back a when there was a table where someone totally wiped out the other player. But when they scored the game it was clear that the person wiped of the table still completed more of there objectives, thus scored more VP and won the game.

Honestly its one of my favorite aspects of the game and one I often bring up when people complain a certain combo is unbeatable. You win by scoring VP and half of the objectives you pick to score you choose youself. Remember that and the game becomes a lot easier

Just to pile on with more examples, I was playing a 3-way game where one of the opponents was running Nicodem and, through a combination of bad decisions and luck, ended up getting his Nicodem killed 2nd turn of the game. Compound that with his mindless zombies being inexplicably lucky and managing to stop Killjoy from walking away from them for two rounds, leaving him worthless, and it should have been no-contest on who won. Even still, through completing his schemes and partially completing his objective through his minions, he managed to creep back to 2nd place in the game, despite his crew being essentially crippled nearly the entire game.

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I almost won a game with no models left on the board. My opponent had the outcast scheme where he had to be within +/- 1 model of the enemy. He had wiped me out with 3 models of his left on the board, after I had completed my schemes. He ended up using the sword vic's whirlwind ability to kill the rest of his models, bringing his total down to 1, and tying the game.

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lady J

4 witchling stalkers ( or more if you have them )


and whatever you can fit that's slow to die .

Dreamer works by popping up doing damage than going away . slow to die allows you to get in blows to there low wound stuff before you die which hurts them , witchlings blow up damaging the rest of there crew when they die , and lady j has great WP and can kill the dreamer if left out with one activation most times . take eye for an eye , and stake a claim as your schemes .

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