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New Gremlin Masters


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as evidenced by the seperation of the Gremlins from the rest of the outcasts, and the fact that no other outcast masters can even use gremlins, it is pretty obvious that Wyrd is pushing gremlins into their own faction (c'mon just make it official already.)

My question is: What new masters would you like to see for the gremlins to give them some options on that front?

I don't think gremlins need 5 masters total like the main factions but 3 would be sweet and give some variation in gremlin play.

I would like to see a voodoo caster that can turn enemies into gremlins and cause the terrain to attack enemies,

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I would like to see a hgt 3 Mrs. Somer her melee weapon a giant frying pan melee output like Lilth and lady j. Maybe even pair the frying pan.

Instead of "ooo its a girl" with "oh god its ma RUN." Push gremlins 6". She could also have an ability called, "look ma, are what I can do." Don't know what it does but just sounded good.

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I would like to see a hgt 3 Mrs. Somer her melee weapon a giant frying pan melee output like Lilth and lady j. Maybe even pair the frying pan.

Instead of "ooo its a girl" with "oh god its ma RUN." Push gremlins 6". She could also have an ability called, "look ma, are what I can do." Don't know what it does but just sounded good.

This made me smile.

I love that Wyrd listens to the players and recognizes it's customer's desires, in my case before I even realized it, and makes adjustments and additions for us. Unlike the direction of the other game which is dead set on doing things their way despite what the customers want.

As far as a new master a large melee based master would be fun and a new addition.

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I would like to see a gremlin henchmen based on 1 caster from the other factions. A Seamus gremlin or a McMourning gremlin from Ressers. A Rasputina-like Caster Gremlin. A Gremlin kid with a REALLY big pig named Lord Snorty Bits, who shows up when the kid is in peril....

Ophelia-esque Gremlin Henchmen that mimic the other major factions would be pretty awesome.

I think McMourning, Collette, and Zoraida would be great ones to mimic.

The Taxidermist is already almost along the lines of McMourning, just have a Gremlin that sews together Gremlin-Pig hybrid monstrosities :)

You could have purtied-up gremlin gals that mimic Collette, and an old bad juju master to mimic Zoraida.

Laughter abounds.

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I always thought that the Taxidermist was more like Nicodem mostly because of what he looks like but also how he uses corpses to make exploding zombie pigs....

That might be tasty...

I would love to see more henchmen though, I really like the gremlin voodoo idea, and I readily agree that the gremlins need a spell caster type

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A Seamus gremlin or a McMourning gremlin from Ressers.

oh man.... that would be awesome!

I could see them getting another henchman or possibly master, however I don't really see them being their own faction.

None of the Outcasts masters play super nice with each other, except for the Viks who play nice with everyone (with enough casholah). However simply saying you are playing "Outcasts" gives you tons of options, but it does require a bit more models. Also they already have two henchmen and are 1 up on everyone else, so it might be a little while before they get the kind of attention they got in Book 2.

Still, it's an awesome idea. A gremlin Seamus might be the most perfect thing every conceived in any game ever. It doesn't make any sense, but I support it 100%.

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I've drawn up rules for several new Gremlin models. Had a "Civilized" Gremlin Master that was a preacher (looked like the one from the Poltergeist movies). His whole crew was based around prim and proper townsfolk that harbored a darkside (think the town of Lago and its townsfolk from the Clint Eastwood movie "High Plains Drifter"). The idea was that they would be strong when in mass but fall apart when alone (sort of like the Hoarcat prides) and run sort of like Colletes Performers. The best part was that they would revert to their normal Hill Billy ways when they failed a WP duel. I even managed to squeeze in an "Of Mice and Men" reference (or two). My favorite of the home brews though was the Gremlin Debutante (Rotten Belle though much more tongue in cheek). Would love to see her written up.

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I would like to see a hgt 3 Mrs. Somer her melee weapon a giant frying pan melee output like Lilth and lady j. Maybe even pair the frying pan.

Instead of "ooo its a girl" with "oh god its ma RUN." Push gremlins 6". She could also have an ability called, "look ma, are what I can do." Don't know what it does but just sounded good.

This is an amazing idea! Im not sold on height 3 but everything else looks great, a melee Gremlin would be a nice addition.

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This is an amazing idea! Im not sold on height 3 but everything else looks great, a melee Gremlin would be a nice addition.

I figure the Height 3 helps define her character, I think of Hagar :viking: the Horrible's wife. Somer's is big, but think of her as huge. A gremlinette on steroids (lady hog whisper as height 3). I can't help but laugh at the idea of a gremlin standing eye to eye with lord chompy bits let a lone, a frying pan wielding giant gremlin. I would pay top dollar for this model.

She could also have the debutante idea added in.

Lenny as an orgrish gremlin is cool, but I would rather see a giant lady gremlin.

All the best melee beat sticks in this game are ladies, Lady J, Viks, and Lilith. Let's not break this tradition of female empowerment :girl:

I know I have seen an idea way back when of a gremlin rock band crew, this would also be funny only they could be playing the jug, fiddle and banjo. Building on the Deliverance idea.

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Dont forget the other two classic Hill Billy instruments known as the Washboard and washtub. Sad thing is I think I have actually seen the Gremlin band described above on the streets of Nawlins French Quarter (complete with Hilly Billy Beards like you see in the old Looney Toons Cartons).

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Dont forget the other two classic Hill Billy instruments known as the Washboard and washtub. Sad thing is I think I have actually seen the Gremlin band described above on the streets of Nawlins French Quarter (complete with Hilly Billy Beards like you see in the old Looney Toons Cartons).

confirmed. very rad

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I would like to see a gremlin henchmen based on 1 caster from the other factions. A Seamus gremlin or a McMourning gremlin from Ressers. A Rasputina-like Caster Gremlin. A Gremlin kid with a REALLY big pig named Lord Snorty Bits, who shows up when the kid is in peril....

+1 Agreed.

This idea has my vote 100%.

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Wouldn't mind seeing some Melee gremlins, possibly with a Master or Henchman to go with them. I would think of it either as a big brutish gremlin (like the one described earlier in the post) or a sneaky gremlin assassin type (big fan of Ork Kommando's in 40k even though I don't play them, they're just such an oxymoron that it's funny).

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I think it'd be pretty awesome to see more master counter parts like Ophelia. In the same breath, I'd LOVE to see them go back to the hillbilly theme. Maybe an old fart with a long gray beard. A melee master would be sweet, and I do like the idea of giant fat Female Gremlin in a moomoo...aka the "birth mother" of a kin (in all likely hood the LaCroix). Gremlins fo' life!!

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