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If you could only play 1 Master...


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Had someone come in a watch a couple of us play a game at our LGS and wanted to get into the game. we explained a single army/force could be as small as a box and 2 blisters. I was playing ramos box with EC and totem at the time. He was looking over the factions and picked the Rasputina box because he like the look and the fact that he could cast spells threw other models. I mentioned she is very slow and has difficulties with some strategies, and if that his ONLY master he may find the game frustrating sometimes. So he switched to the victorias because he liked the look and the fact they were fast which gave him options for strategies. the bonus having all mercs so he could switch factions later was an added bonus.

If you had only 80ish$ and wanted to get into the game, what would you pick up.

I think the following are options

Victorias box

Convicted gunslinger


Von schills

Convicted gunslinger

Ronin (jut because generally cheap and fast, and hard to kill with librarian to heal is nice)


Electrical creations

Brass arachnid (replace with mobile toolkit when it comes out)


Collette (not for rookie gamers)


Corephee Duet






Young Nephlims


I think gremlins could be good but I don't know the best mix. I was hooked on a demo using Ophelia box.

Some master I just don't see working properly in a cheap start. Or have issues with a significant number of strategies.

Kirai because she need more to summon. Would be good on a 100-120$ budget.

Marcus because would prefer more beasts in other factions

Rasputina is generally slow and models she comes with don't get any +AP.

I don't know the rest well enough to list properly, but more suggestions would be good. Ideally make this list printer friendly and leave in LGS to get more people addic... I mean to play

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I would suggest of all your choices to buy both vik and van box. That is 80ish and gives you a lot of play options.

I would go with this option 100% if you're new to the game.

They're brutal, they're effective, they're fast, they're fun.

Great crew.

Or you can go with the Redchapel gang, with the addition of the Copy Cat Killer.

The box + totem is a perfect 25 SS list and will serve you well. :]

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Technically I'm cheating with this option, BUT the idea is that you use the first one while the second is more for the crew.

The Sonnia box and the Ortega box is only 69 total. With being able to pick up either a totem for Sonnia (either the Proxy or SoC) or you can pick up either Abuela or an Executioner. This gives you a great spread of models to use at your disposal and gives you the option to play a small brawl (Since you'll end up adding more points with the blister) mainly you use Sonnia with Ortegas or Perdita with some Stalkers and Samael. Not bad for 80 bucks?

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Marcus because would prefer more beasts in other factions

True. However, I think with Marcus you can proxy miniatures better than with any other Master. Finding generic monsters in another line and using them will be the cheapest option yet.

Or you can go with the Redchapel gang, with the addition of the Copy Cat Killer.

The box + totem is a perfect 25 SS list and will serve you well. :]

I second this. Playable right out of the box with only the addition of a totem.

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