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Also ABs, I seem to have forgotten to give you your tip again.

~Hands over the usual bribe of 15 barrels of Guild Rum to ABs~

Now remember, you haven't seen anything...

~Several Gothic Showgirls run passed carrying the front doors to the Guild offices~

Like I said, you haven't seen a thing ;)


Uh-huh...whatever you say...

*motions to guild squad to follow showgirls*

Afternoon Steam...

Not too bad a weekend, though been up since 3am with a baby with a poorly tummy...

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*a lumbering shadow moves through the thread*

*twisting behind, a large, soggy burlap sack slides and bumps across the floor, leaving a faint rusty red trail in it's wake*

*the trap door to the cellar creaks open, slams shut, and bolts from the inside*

Edited by Hatchethead
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*a small child appears from the shadows; she wears a tattered dress, her face wrapped in soiled rags*

*without a hint of hesitation, she delivers a small envelope to Lonely, winks her one good eye and vanishes back into the darkness*

*inside, a ragged piece of paper folded roughly; a hastily written note*

It reads:

"Can't talk now, busy 'creating'. Enjoy your day!"

"P.S. My odors are natural and beautiful."

"P.P.S. Look behind you."

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