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I have no idea what you guys are on about......

And I would like to join the 'don't own skyrim' organsiation too.

But then again, I don't own an Xbox or PS3! ;)

~adds you to the membership roster and gives you your gift pack~

They include a badge/pin, t-shirt, poster and other funky things that proudly state that you don't play it :D

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also... I don't own skyrim... and I'm quite proud of that :D

I would have brought Skyrim, but I took an arrow to the knee

teaching that some people are different and that's okay causes a rift in society. Teaching love, kindness, integrity, and respect is how you combat social issues like bullying (on a side note, I was bullied when I was a kid... and It made me who I am today. Was it fun? NO! but I wouldn't change it. It taught me to be proud of who and what I am, what I'm capable of, and I enjoy throwing my noconventional, be myself attitude in those people's faces... But I would argue that most of us were bullied... we're geeks ;))


I also think the calls for a group hug. Runs around hugging everyone

I was bullied throughout 5 years of high school (ages 11 - 15) so I can be very vocal about it. I did put a stop to it in the end, I'm not proud of how I did it, but I did stop it (I threw the lead bully off a bridge from 40' above a shallow river, he got lucky and landed in the 1 deepish part) and they never touched me again. We're cool these days and have been for a very long time, just in school things were different from peer pressure and social groups.

I may be a geek, but I didn't look one being 6' tall and build like a bulldozer leaving school (lol).

I spent most of my time jumping from one group to another, never really fitting in anywhere

THE $$$$$$$$$$$$ ARE COMING!!!! THE $$$$$$$$$$$$ ARE COMING!!!!


(I'm Serious... $$$$$$$$$$$$ are freakin' scary)

Don't worry Fell I'll protect you

*Pulls out a shotgun*

*laughs evily* it's a good one......



Nah, they ain't creepy, they just sad, miserable creatures that deserve our pity.

No they need to be shot in the face

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I must have missed the bullying thing. Seems like a good proportion of posters had it pretty bad. i consider myself quite lucky that I never really got bullied at all. Yeah, i had the occaisional name calling but I gave as good as i got.

I was lucky in that i managed to be in all the social cliques at the same time....the cool kids, the geeky kids..the sporty kids...

My height would have helped though, I was well over 6 foot by the age of 13.

I made it a point that if someone was what i interpreted as bullying someone else, I'd step in to stop it. Whether that was the right thing to do I don't know...

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