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Did you ever read The Vampire Genevieve or the Von Carstein books? Genevieve's a personal favorite of mine, and I loved the first of the Carstein books...Vlad was the perfect gentleman villain.

I read the books in Vampire Geneveive when they first came out, I have a 1st edition Drakonfels (SP?) packed away somewhere. Thought the 2nd and 3rd books were a little weak though. Never read the Carstein books though, but they didn't interest me all that much. I prefer vampires set in our world... or zombies :D

ABs, heya bud! I hope the exam goes well on Tuesday! :)

Edited by LonelyPath
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Tired. But still, excited, got a scene finished after two weeks of staring at it off and on in frustration. Had a moment of inspiration last night while reading a Star Wars novel...and the rest of the scene just clicked.

Excellent.... will have to go and catch up soon!

I just haven't had time to do anything lately...I have a Black prequel to post but as its handwritten, i haven't found the time to get it on here!

I haven't read a book in months...

I have piles of minis to build, let alone paint..

And as for gaming...thats a distant memory!

BUT I have a beautiful 5 1/2 month old daughter that takes up my time, and I'm more than happy with that!

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Excellent.... will have to go and catch up soon!

I just haven't had time to do anything lately...I have a Black prequel to post but as its handwritten, i haven't found the time to get it on here!

I haven't read a book in months...

I have piles of minis to build, let alone paint..

And as for gaming...thats a distant memory!

BUT I have a beautiful 5 1/2 month old daughter that takes up my time, and I'm more than happy with that!

Heh, that's a good thing! I'll be looking forward to your prequel once it goes up. You handwrite things first? I couldn't do that...I've never liked writing things by hand. Too slow.

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Drachenfels was by far the best one, although Beasts in Velvet still gives me a shiver. Wasn't the most original plot for a serial killer mystery, but considering that I read the book at 15, twas a bit creepy.

I have no idea how old I was when I first read Drachenfels, but I know I was pretty young myself. I still enjoy that one and at the time we were playing WFRP and GW released stats for the main characters in the book. So we stumbled into the events unfolded in the book and just about escaped with our lives.

That Genevieve was sly dammit...

Fell, heya hun! ~Showgirl massages your shoulders~

ABs, they should be through to you soon, mine were among the first to be dispatched (first day they started shipping them) so I got pretty lucky there. With Gencon I had about 2 weeks before my order was sent out ;)

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Heh, that's a good thing! I'll be looking forward to your prequel once it goes up. You handwrite things first? I couldn't do that...I've never liked writing things by hand. Too slow.

Only written that by hand..should have been studying one night... :)

Normally i just sit down at the screen, write it, proof read it, post it!

ABs, they should be through to you soon, mine were among the first to be dispatched (first day they started shipping them) so I got pretty lucky there. With Gencon I had about 2 weeks before my order was sent out ;)

Just checked..all it says is the carrier has been notified to expect my parcel for delivery....whatever that means...it does say it may mean it hasn't been despatched yet..

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Ah, gotcha. Alright, well, I need to be off to bed...before I am, though, would you, Fell or Steam (if he sees this) be interested in a .pdf copy of the novel? I can email one if you'd like...would be easier to catch up on things!

Too late now as you're probably tucked up...but yeah PM me and I'll scoot you my email address!

I got no idea what that means either, but what's the last known location it was at?

The US lol.... Thats it, there is no known location!

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