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So, was trying to remember a quote from one of the Gaunt's Ghosts books...and lo and behold, inspiration, HALLELUJAH! At least enough to start jotting down notes for the next scene. The best part? The section I got it from:

The man looked the commissar up and down. 'My name is Caober. I'm a scout, born and raised on Tanith. I honestly don't know what you're talking about, but I'm sure it matters somehow. Why don't you talk to the captain?'

Ah, how I love that paragraph...makes me crack up everytime...and this time, it inspired me. Granted, the scene will be nowhere near as funny nor as awesome, but I'll take the inspiration from it anyway.

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When i were a lad...... we were taught never to use the internet (ie Wiki, google) whilst researching for sources for an essay etc...

We were told to go to the uni library and look at the relevant books, journals and then the online journals. Our lecturers said that the information on the internet can't be trusted.

Whilst thats a bit of a blanket statement, I guess there is a bit of truth to it, and to be fair, it made me into the research monster I am today!

If i have a project or story i want to write, its down to the local library for me!

I guess i'm just old.... ;)

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I still prefer books too... but I just don't think any source should get shut down *shrugs*

No, i agree....every source should be available as long as people realise some sources are more or less reliable than others...

The Internet has provided a wealth of info for me...after all, its how I found you guys and this forum!

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The internet has proven useful in me finding some info and even OOP books (often transcrptions or pdf) on things I've needed, but apart from that I prefer the old printed page to aid me directly. Then again I've done a lot of things based on folklore and theology and books on those studies have helped greatly in my gaming over the years in fleshing out campaigns :)

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