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Off Topic Playground

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So, I didn't have time to do any writing last night...instead, started to do some research (which I have continued since coming home) on Tv Tropes, looking at Tropes I want to make use of, and Tropes I want to avoid. It's interesting the couple of characters I've made who don't fit any one particular trope for some reason or other...also interesting reading tropes I want to apply and figuring out the why behind it

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woo! It appears I can join Ms. Fell as an OTT thread killer. LOL.

lol...shockingly I am actually busy today....first time for everything I suppose!

*wanders in, munching Better Cheddars*


*claps; a tiny squeak fills the thread as the clap echos; something in the corner catches fire*


*slinks off*

*runs in with fire extinguisher*

Oh, its a puppet.....fair enough...

*sprays puppet, puts out fire...then shoots puppet*

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~A horde of gothic showgirls tip a bucket of water over edonil and starts to scrub him clean~

Just in case ;)

~The rest of the showgirls start looking through lots of frilly things and occasionally point and giggle in Abs direction~

What? Did I forget to dress or something......I can't always have this effect on women you know! ;)

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ABs, it's because they like you ;)

Don't worry though, they get their day off tomorrow, probably just excited about that.

Oh, thtas alright then...I quite like the showgirls myself....a sweet girl in a flouncy dress can melt any rogues heart! ;)

Ack! Blood and ashes, Path, can't you control these girls! Hey! Leave my hair alone, I don't need a haircut, it's short enough as it is!

(fights way out of the gaggle of showgirls) That's it, I'm heading to bed...

heh..night edonil...your new haircut suits you!

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Night edonil! Shame you didn't enjoy their attentions.

~Hopes edonil doesn't notice the pink and purple hair ribbons until the morning~

ABs I couldn't agree more with you mate, showgirls are indeed lovely things. Right, time to arrange me entourage for tomorrow, I don't trust that lot from the miners guild or anything Ramos supplies (cakes seem to go missing around them), Nephilim are to feisty (though a group of Lelu might make a pleasant change) and them outcasts just cost to much...

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