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Bleugh! I'm either getting a cold or allergic to something today. Not a great start.

How're you?

Ooops..just had a cold..hope i haven't spread it through the thread!

I'm good today, just finished selling a load of Malifaux stuff that I will never get around to building, let alone playing...so my paypal account is looking very healthy!

Now to decide just what to do...save it and spend it wisely, or put it towards the Ogre Kingdoms army i have been planning for almost three years!

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Will you have a chance to paint or play it?

More likely get chance to play it after xmas, but painting may be a long time off, but as we are pretty relaxed about non painted models in our group, thats no big deal.

Plus its all plastic or resin now so building is a lot quicker...no pinning!

And the new models.....*drools*

I'm convincing myself aren't I?


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Sounds like you've convinced yourself already. Ogres must be pretty expensive as they'll be big models. But then again Malifaux is quite pricey per miniature, it's just balanced by needing less of them.

I put a couple more colours on Lilith last night. But I just don't seem in a painting mood recently.

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Sounds like you've convinced yourself already. Ogres must be pretty expensive as they'll be big models. But then again Malifaux is quite pricey per miniature, it's just balanced by needing less of them.

I put a couple more colours on Lilith last night. But I just don't seem in a painting mood recently.

but to be fair, you don't need many models to get a sizeable army..I worked out a 2250 pt army will cost me about £165 from maelstrom...

not bad.....

And I have all the Malifaux i want now, just waiting on the new stuff as and when it gets released, avatars, alts and book 3 minis I want etc

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Bit different. My Nephilim are going down the red skin that darkens with age so the tots are almost orange but the mature will be very dark red/burgundy. Nekima will likely be completely black with maybe bright red tattoos. Lilith however will be more albino. White hair and very pale skin.

Of course my painting abilities will probably make it less impressive than the plan.

I'm trying hard to avoid buying anything new as I've got too many unpainted models at the moment.

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*Falls from the sky and lands head first in the ground*

Forgotten how to fly then, chocobo?


*pulls Chocobo out by the legs*

Bit different. My Nephilim are going down the red skin that darkens with age so the tots are almost orange but the mature will be very dark red/burgundy. Nekima will likely be completely black with maybe bright red tattoos. Lilith however will be more albino. White hair and very pale skin.

Of course my painting abilities will probably make it less impressive than the plan.

I'm trying hard to avoid buying anything new as I've got too many unpainted models at the moment.

Sounds a good scheme and ambitious too, so hopefully it'll pay off. I was going to paint my nephilim in a Black and white style...maybe one contrast colour..a bit sin city style.

But then I sold them!

So I am wondering which crew to do like this now....most likely the Dreamer and his nightmares....

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Thanks, I think my Avatar status ran out, while I was in midair

Avatar status? Have i missed something...aren't you a totem?

I know technically i was, but Fell set me free so i class myself as a minion now...maybe a henchman at a push.....long way until i get Master or Avatar status though...

You must have pulled some strings...

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Avatar status? Have i missed something...aren't you a totem?

I know technically i was, but Fell set me free so i class myself as a minion now...maybe a henchman at a push.....long way until i get Master or Avatar status though...

You must have pulled some strings...

I think Hazyel bumped me as part of her Avatar, that or it had somthing to do with that cake I had yesterday

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Very interesting post you got there edonil, sadly it's not just the USA that suffers with that these days, but that 1 having $15k debt after three years? Good thing they weren't studying journalism, medicine or law since those make that debt look like nothing at all. A Friend of mine had to drop out of university twice due to debts built up by studying journalism, the first time the debt was in excess of £40,000 at the end of her 2nd year...

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