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Cupcake anyone?! Made by mee!!! I iced them myself too! *very proud*

Hiya Princess!

Oh.... well I can stop this job and fine another near Heathrow if that would suit you better?! :D

lol, it was just a question...I have a friend who knows that someone is having a terrible time trying to get back to the US from Heathrow, and they keep trying to make her pay more fees etc..

I was just seeing if anyone was close by.....could maybe lend a hand to sort it out.....

no biggie...

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as previously stated... I'm having an allergic reaction to the Cinnamon in my coffee (actually, it's an oil they use when they roast the coffee...) so I'm mighty uncomfortable...

and I didn't get my coffee... so I'm mighty tired now... but it's almost lunch time, so hopefully that will improve my mood... not that I'm in a BAD mood... just down :\ :)

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~Ties Princess to the pink throne~

Your visit isn't so fleeting now, is it? :P

My mood's not exactly great either, but then I'm fed up of getting constant interruptions whenever I am trying to do something... Always the same though in this house, grr...

Edited by LonelyPath
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okay!!! *phew* im done!!!

i LOVE cupcakes!!! :D

how is everyone? all good i hope :)

Go easy with that one Chocobo... i put some Chilli powder in that.... :S

*Flys out of the cake both breathing fire and on fire*

how much did you use?

*breath out a dragon made of fire*

Does this mean we are going to have a rocket-propelled Chocobo?

Nope fire dragon powered

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