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*stumbles in*


It feels like Monday. I HATE Monday... and YESTERDAY was Monday. I don't want two Mondays in a row XP

*Falls off the top of the Coffee Monolith, landing on his head* Ugh... I know the feeling... I think I'm getting sick... but to much work to do to be sick... *coughs and falls over on his face, a muffled "ow" is heard*

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Tired! Went to the midnight release of Gears 3... then we played and drank for an hour or so. Then I watched some Mythbusters in bed until about 3am... and woke at 8am for some reason...

Ohhh Gears 3 is out right... I think I may have to pick that up soon... if things progress as they are I'll be borught to near death by a man-cold within the week. *coughs and lays head on keyboard*

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