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*dives in, tackles Hayzel out of the way as the sweets come cascading from the sky*

Chocobo, you need to go back to Wizard school.

*helps Hayzel up, brushes her duster off, checks her weapons*

They kicked me out of the Unseen University

It's not his fault the sorting hat put him in Hufflepuff.

Bah I hate Hogwarts, Unseen University all the way

You hit me with fourteen pies.

And chainsaw > cross-dressing pigs ...

*Takes a step toward Regnak.*

*Stands a moment, swaying, his lips twitching. The chainsaw idles. Shaking it off, he flips the chain break and guns the engine.*

*Looks at Hayzel.*

You wanna gut him, Princess? Or should I?

*Ears prick up at the mention of cross dressing*

I keep the dress Fell gave for the memories, I total don't go round dressed as a girl

*grabs some popcorn, finds a mess free spot, noms popcorn while things unfold; there is a shotgun lying across her knees as she eats*

Can I have some popcorn Fell

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Maybe I'll just hack his legs off. Easier that way.

*Revs the chainsaw and lurches toward Regnak.*

So let me get this straight... the two big bullies are ganging up on me... and other people are sitting back with popcorn and watching?!

Where have all the heroes gone?! :D

*Lets out a loud oinking sound*

*The ground rumbles*

*A herd of a hundred cross dressing piglets decend on the nasty bullies*

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So let me get this straight... the two big bullies are ganging up on me... and other people are sitting back with popcorn and watching?!

Where have all the heroes gone?! :D

*Lets out a loud oinking sound*

*The ground rumbles*

*A herd of a hundred cross dressing piglets decend on the nasty bullies*


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*Cups a hand to his mouth and bellows.*

*From the cellar, the answering call, a chorus of screeches echoing through the tunnels and pits below. Suddenly, passing through the floor as if it were open sky, a swarm of spectral Night Terrors pinwheel into the air. The swarm circles into the rafters of the thread, gathering and screaming before diving toward the onrushing herd of swine. With them descends a most unnatural darkness, plunging the thread into near black.*

This should be fun!

*Cranks the chainsaw to full throttle, charges into the horde of girly-pigs and is soon lost in a swirl of red mist, frilly lace and bacon chunks. Piglets crumple into delicious puddles of goo, equal parts torn, sawed and reduced to soulless husks by the chittering Night Terrors.*

Princess! *Laughs maniacally!* Get in on this!

Edited by Hatchethead
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*Cups a hand to his mouth and bellows.*

*From the cellar, the answering call, a chorus of screeches echoing through the tunnels and pits below. Suddenly, passing through the floor as if it were open sky, a swarm of spectral Night Terrors pinwheel into the air. The swarm circles in the rafters of the thread, gathering and screaming, before diving toward the onrushing herd of swine. With them descends a most unnatural darkness, plunging the thread into near black.*

This should be fun!

*Cranks the chainsaw to full throttle, charges into the horde of girly-pigs and is soon lost in a swirl of red mist, frilly lace and bacon chunks. Piglets crumple into delicious puddles of goo, equal parts torn, sawed and reduced to soulless husks by the chittering Night Terrors.*

Princess! *Laughs maniacally!* Get in on this!

Ah.... but I forgot to mention one small detail about this herd of cross dressing pigs.............. THEY'VE BEEN STUFFED!!!!! *Pushes a Button and watches the huge explotion while applying some sun cream (factor one million) * :D

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*drops her popcorn and starts shooting the shotgun into the mass of Night Terrors while making a B-Line to the window; Fell leaps through onto the street outside just as Regnak blows the pigs; the walls of the thread shake, dust and smoke leaking between the stones and drifting down on to Fell, crouched across the street, her head down*

The dry cleaners are NEVER gonna believe this

*flicks pig and terror goo off her coat and hat*


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*pounces on Regnak* hold still you little urchin. GET HIM HATCHET! *giggles crazily, digging her fingers into Regnaks arms making him bleed* hahahah!

I suppose terror or revulsion is the appropriate response to this sort of thing. Ah! Ack! That is not in any way arrousing. ::covers face and outstretches hand::

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*pounces on Regnak* hold still you little urchin. GET HIM HATCHET! *giggles crazily, digging her fingers into Regnaks arms making him bleed* hahahah!

Oooouuuuuuccccccch!!! :puppy:

will no one help? ............

... I SAID... WILL NO ONE HELP?! *sniff, sniff*


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Ah.... but I forgot to mention one small detail about this herd of cross dressing pigs.............. THEY'VE BEEN STUFFED!!!!! *Pushes a Button and watches the huge explotion while applying some sun cream (factor one million) * :D

*Hatchet and his saw are gone in a white hot flash, but the Night Terror swarm (suffering mere half damage!) take exception to being fooled by fake piggies and descend on Regnak, happy to help Hayzel extract a grim vengeance.*


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*Emerges from the cellar, adjusting his skin like a freshly pressed suit. Jiggles his belly and looks satisfied.*

I always keep a spare.

*rethinks strategy*

*Offers up a bowl of delicious looking sweets to Hatchet and Hayzel*

Oh nummy! *Grabs a mitt full.*

So ... :chewing: ... what were we doing again ...?

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*Emerges from the cellar, adjusting his skin like a freshly pressed suit. Jiggles his belly and looks satisfied.*

I always keep a spare.

Oh nummy! *Grabs a mitt full.*

So ... :chewing: ... what were we doing again ...?

Hmmmm.... you don't find my offering sweets a bit.... suspicious? ...... ENJOY THE LAXATIVES!!!! :D

Oh.. and as you run back to the cellar you will notice..... I've hidden all the toilet paper! :D NEver mess with a Gremlin! :D

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