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I loved some Biohazard back in the 90s! Awesome band.

And absolutely fantastic live...i came home from their concert soaked in sweat and bruised!

Oh and to make it extra brill, they were supported by Downset and DogeatDog! I almost died from exhaustion that night lol!

Bloody hell! Thats a name I haven't heard in a very long time! :)

I need to dig out their album..loved the blend of brass and metal!

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@Abs: not yet... I have primed Teddy and Avatar Zoraida (sp)... I know... both NB... but I want to be able to intersperse my Guild stuff with my Commission work... so that I'll have some rewards for finishing the painting ;)

Don't worry..I slipped long ago!

Not only have I got all the guild stuff, I am almost at the stage where i have all the arcanist and Neverborn stuff too! Plus most of the outcasts except levi and the gremlins.

And for my shame, Mcmourning and a sprinkling of ressers....

*accepts punishment*

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@Spoilers: JUSTICE IS STILL ALIVE!!! Hahahaha!

LOL true. Honestly though, I was quite shocked by some of the other character deaths throughout this book though. No confirmed kills, a la Justice in Rising Powers, so I wouldn't rule whether they'll be back or not. But a couple of them I was seriously like "OMGWTFBBQ?!?!"

Oh..and Kaeris vs. Misaki. Hell yeah. :D

heh. So, built all your gencon purchases yet?

LOL I'm still decompressing and trying to get back to normal, I think. I did bust out some of the Kirai pieces the other night and start cleaning up some of the casting lines and stuff. I don't really have any bases for Dead Justice or the NE Teddy though at this point, so I gotta figure out what I'm doing with those before I start working on them at all.

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Ummm... I have ressers too... technically...

I've Painted all of the Ressers (on Commission)...

but I own Undead Justice and her crew....

and I have a Miss Pack (Sp?).... which was a gift....

I have a few Outcasts

I have a handful of NB

I have one Arcanist.... and it's not a crew, just a fig (got it from some crazy Egg from over the pond ;))

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Ummm... I have ressers too... technically...

I've Painted all of the Ressers (on Commission)...

but I own Undead Justice and her crew....

and I have a Miss Pack (Sp?).... which was a gift....

I have a few Outcasts

I have a handful of NB

I have one Arcanist.... and it's not a crew, just a fig (got it from some crazy Egg from over the pond ;))

Yeah i heard about him...stay away from him, he's nuts.



See....I've told you all....eventually you see the light, and choose to join the true heros of Malifaux. The heros of the people. :D

pffft! lol, I just like the models lol! I will just use them as target practice for my guild.....

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I just noticed that it's Monday! My Gods my memory really is getting bad. Right, I wonder what challenger is taking on my Dark Angels at Monday Night 40k this week... I did all but table my Ork opponent last week, heheheh. Ah, so far I've taken on the (so called) best codices and driven them into the ground, but I did here the Guard wanted to try and get some revenge.

Anyway, so far it's Dark Angels - 5, everyone else - 0


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I just noticed that it's Monday! My Gods my memory really is getting bad. Right, I wonder what challenger is taking on my Dark Angels at Monday Night 40k this week... I did all but table my Ork opponent last week, heheheh. Ah, so far I've taken on the (so called) best codices and driven them into the ground, but I did here the Guard wanted to try and get some revenge.

Anyway, so far it's Dark Angels - 5, everyone else - 0


Well done sir! Keep it up.......especially keep spanking the guard!

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