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Howdy! I still exist. :) Just super busy last week and this week, and dealing with personal stuff. I'm hanging in there. Really looking forward to GenCon next week though! Hoping I can distract myself enough from personal issues in order to actually have some fun. :)

Looks like we got some new faces in the thread here....welcome! :D

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Hello people, Am off to see Transformers tonight... yeeyyyyy!

Good luck... you're gonna need it! :D

Hot and tired here. Making dinner for me and the lady. Making gourmet burgers, stuffed mushrooms and some chunky homemade chips ;) This Gremlin can cook! :)

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~Sneaks back in with a fresh shipment of cookies from Earth~ Those teddies are getting worse I tell you. They're holding up the trains as they come through the Breach to get their cookie fix!

Hayzel, I thought Dark of the Moon was okay, I did enjoy it though :) Not a patch on the G1 movie (which is one of the greatest movies ever!).

Meanwhile I'm celebrating my birthday for the next 24 hours (except the part when I'll be sleeping). It's so good to turn 25 (for the 11th year running, hahahaha).

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~Sneaks back in with a fresh shipment of cookies from Earth~ Those teddies are getting worse I tell you. They're holding up the trains as they come through the Breach to get their cookie fix!

Hayzel, I thought Dark of the Moon was okay, I did enjoy it though :) Not a patch on the G1 movie (which is one of the greatest movies ever!).

Meanwhile I'm celebrating my birthday for the next 24 hours (except the part when I'll be sleeping). It's so good to turn 25 (for the 11th year running, hahahaha).

Motzalblud! Seriously, so much blood.

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*collapses on the throne* My! what an eventful night!

Transformers was great i thought. I loved the pretty sploshions (explosions to those who dont speak princess) and I am still in love with BumbleBee. I want him instead of a Hamster.... *idea* :o


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*struts into thread*

I kicked A** tonight at Malifaux!!! 50ss Scrap (Guild v Neverborn) took us two hours to finish...

I pulled together a hodgepodge crew for Guild (Perdita, Hopkins, Judge, Francisco, Guardian, Watcher, two Austringers, two Witchling Stalkers) vs Lilith and a crap ton of Nephs... we had Shared Distract... I had Holdout and Break Through, he had Reclaim Malifaux.... and we were in a Ghost town with Mysteries Effigies...

I killed Lilitu (she kept luring me!) and Lelu (killing blow ACTUALLY came from losing Lilitu) first.... Followed by Lilith, the Black Blood Shaman, and a Mature Neph.... I killed 'Dita too (freakin' black blood)... I lost two models (Watcher and 'Dita), he lost 9 (Shaman, Lelu, Lilitu, Lilith, 2 tots, 1 mature, 2 young). Game ended in victory (5-1)!

Over all a good night!!!

Have a Happy Thursday Night/Friday morning!!!!

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@fell - sounds like a great game , use her def. to walk out of black blood range , she still has 2 actions to shoot . I have been rocking Perdita a lot lately , my group fears lady Jay more than Dita for some reason . so I have been using her to be "nice " . Il Be "extra nice " with Sonya next week :flame:

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