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We could make that work, I guess.


@ Dirial..


lol, well..be warned..you need to have great knowledge of every episode..woe betide any who plays the game wrong..




Well, we'd have to watch them together then.

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lol, its great that you guys would be willing to accommodate but I seriously don't think I (we) would be able to make it.  But I will bring up the subject next time we talk about holidays and gauge the reaction..It might be a step too far as she already rolls her eyes at how much gaming stuff I have/time I spend on the forum lol..

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I had heard about Simple Green but is it something we can get in the UK as I don't recall seeing it anywhere?


Or it could be called something else here...


And really, I should resist as it would be ANOTHER master (having just got Marcus) and I was trying to limit myself.


Damn these gamers and their crazy offers!

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lol, makes me sound ancient!


Well, I appreciate the offer ...and will not say definitely not at the mo, but tell your room-mate its likely we wouldn't go..and don't worry..even if we did we would probably have to get our own accommodation somewhere (my wife has a penchant for expensive hotels damn her)!  Though if I did make it there, I would gladly chip in towards your costs no worries...

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ok, checked..we can get it in the uk...I take it I would need the basic product?  Also it suggests it comes as a concentrate...would that be the stuff I put the models in, or would I dilute it first?

I've used Simple Green plenty of times before, and it works wonders.  If the models are metal, you probably don't have to worry about them warping, but it is generally a good idea to dilute it before soaking them in it. When I diluted it, I went 2:1 with about a cup of the stuff, just to test it's potency.  Left some metal models in there for an afternoon, and slowly the paint started to loosen up and come off in flakes.  Again, these were metal models, so I wasn't that concerned with them warping, but if you're doing plastic, then be a little extra cautious.

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Without the Austringer, was it really though?  ;)


Yes... Yes it was! 


Say, MD, how did you like the beer?


It was really nice! Not as strong in the flavour department as I was expecting but very nice all the same. Thanks once again! :P


If you can get your hands on it try and get Badger Breweries "Fursty Ferret". Tis damn fine beer, also it's brewed about 5 mins from where I grew up and also currently work. If you can't get it over there I might be inclined to ship some over ;)

829_crop179x568.png HEAVEN!
Made with real Badger and Ferret! :D
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Fairy Power Spray (if you can get the unscented non-lemon one) works wonders

Dettol (has to be dettol not the own brand version) also works well but don't dilute it. There's plenty of stripping tutorials out there.


Be warned dettol will suck the moisture from your fingers harder than a pre-Seamused belle! - so wear thick gloves!

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Fairy Power Spray (if you can get the unscented non-lemon one) works wonders


This stuff is the bomb, works wonders! 



I looked up Badger Ferret once, but it was out of stock everywhere. Will have to try again.


You really need to give it a try, it's a tasty tipple for a 4.4% beer. If you struggle to find any let me know. I can send a sample of Blandford Forum's finest Badger Beers :D

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