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I'm exhausted. This shift change doesn't seem like it should be a lot, but it really is for some reason... Doing okay otherwise though.

I have yet to figure out what I'm interested in buying from Gencon and I'm going to be there, lol. Thinking Shenlong and Ironsides honestly...

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Lack of available plastics was one of the major reasons Kirai was in my cull...plus I decided to go the Horror route with Molly instead..


She is now my only Resser master...

Yeah in all honesty I think I'll leave Gen Con this time around and just pick up the Gaki when released, as she'll still need all the other unreleased spirits I doubt it'll make her that much happier! 

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Heh, the thing I'm annoyed about is that the Crossroads 7 is all one box but all I want is Lust... :P Might have to check the trade forums in upcoming months.

I like the plastic Weaver, the metal one was good already and it seems they just got as close to that as they could.

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Heh, the thing I'm annoyed about is that the Crossroads 7 is all one box but all I want is Lust... :P Might have to check the trade forums in upcoming months.

I like the plastic Weaver, the metal one was good already and it seems they just got as close to that as they could.


I'm sharing the box with 3-4 people.

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Speaking of Gen Con sales, do they all go on sale on the first day of Gen Con? Crush and I have a tournament on the 15th, and I could really use those Monks of High River for it.

Trying to get an idea if they'd arrive in time for it if I order it on Gen Con's first day. That is, if I can even order them on day 1.

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You usually can order from day 1, but they don't announce the exact time beforehand, so the shop doesn't get flooded.


Sadly, they usually take a vacation after the Gencon weekend. I assume that they won't even look at the orders for a week after the Con.

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15th of August? That's really iffy. Nothing will be shipped until after Gencon, usually, and there's usually close to a thousand orders and shipping doesn't really have an order to it ala "who ordered first." I wouldn't bet on them showing up in time, no.

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@ Deluge..its up to you, just let me know nearer the time if you want to.


Pretty much swinging towards going khaki at Gencon...


I kinda need Gaki and Iggy, but I am still a bit iffy to order them now, even with the possibility of a Ninja Shopper.


Morning everyone!


Mornin Viktoria!


(I just realized your name is with a c...... Hope you didn't mind me misspelling your name! :o )

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I kinda need Gaki and Iggy, but I am still a bit iffy to order them now, even with the possibility of a Ninja Shopper.



Mornin Viktoria!


(I just realized your name is with a c...... Hope you didn't mind me misspelling your name! :o )

Oh yeah Iggy too

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