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Does it lead to bad sex, too?

It's not a superstition here but I was told about it while in Berlin and have never forgotten it, or looked anyone is the eyes while clinking glasses since (can't be too careful)

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The weirdest superstition that I have for some reason is... if the cupboard doors are left open, people will be gossiping about you.  So I obsessively make certain they are closed.  I picked that one up from a book of superstitions.


I might cross my fingers both for luck and for lying.  If its behind the back it is for lying, if it is shown in front of you then it is for luck.


I never blow out a candle except on birthdays, I extinguish the flame with my fingers out of respect for fire and to keep away bad luck.


I do throw salt over my shoulder if I spill it.


And if the clock shows 11:11 I stare at it until it changes, and make a wish.

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I never blow out a candle except on birthdays, I extinguish the flame with my fingers out of respect for fire and to keep away bad luck.


I do throw salt over my shoulder if I spill it.

The candle one is interesting,


Which shoulder do you throw the salt over?

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Have you played a game of it yet? I watched a demo at GenCon last year because a friend had been part of the Kickstarter and wanted to know how it played, and it was one of the most intensely dull experiences I've ever had. It certainly had the right feel for anime, from my perspective - the air saturated with a ludicrous hail of lasers and missiles, huge explosions, then the smoke clears and absolutely sod-all has changed. The enemy is still standing there without a scratch and everyone's mouths hang open while they yell about it.


I'm hoping that actual game is more interesting once you get into it - some games just don't demo well. I think my friend is still waiting for his Kickstarter stuff to arrive, so I haven't heard any more about it.


This is one of the better game summaries I've heard in a while.


I have nothing to say, but I'm here.


In my mind, I followed that with "Watching. Watching and judging."


Auuuugh not Surstromming!!!


Ah Surstromming...the dish for people that think lutefisk is for weaklings...


I'm married to a foodie, and have somewhat become one by extension.


I never would have considered purchasing cheese that is $17.49 per lb. before I met him. But I don't even cringe at that anymore, I've come to appreciate quality.


Neal's Yard Dairy, yo. I have yet to have anything bad from them. Amazing cheeses with an equally stunning price (import + actually artisanal = $$$).


There are expensive cheeses that aren't worth it. Unlike the rest of you, we can't get real Brie de Meaux because of a stupid rule about importing cheeses aged less than 60 days. The ruling came about because of a single case which (of course) turned out to be contaminated due to improper handling, not because of how long the cheese is aged (any cheese will make people sick if it's contaminated by lax food safety procedures).


I'll pass on the Casu Marzu forever, though.


cheese... I guess we have some nice cheeses..Caerphilly is a nice one.


Crumbly and creamy...


Plus it's ripe for puns- "You should eat Caerphilly carefully." :P


Had to look for it, but I found the most American gif ever posted in this thread:




This is an ad for Hardee's or Carl's Jr (I can't remember what they are called outside the US). We actually tried that hamburger. It's better than you would think. I mean, it's still Hardee's, but the hot dog was actually of decent quality.


I'll put it this way- if you recreated it yourself, knowing that the ground beef and the hot dog were high quality, it would be tasty. Too much for one person though- better to get one and split it.


The Malifaux Rat Shuffle. Dance little rats, dance!


It has to be better than the endless loop in the earlier days of v1.

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Ahahaha, Mantic is trolling again: https://twitter.com/manticgames/status/618750035203854336

And, as usual, the GW fanboys are taking it badly. Considering how badly GW is doing, this whole Age of Sigmar mess, and how despite profits still going down the decided to burn who knows how much money on a glorious new statue, I think that's fair game for parody.

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Ah, Supersizedmeals.com...fun site if you can block out all knowledge and mental images of people who struggle with hunger. I had a phase where I checked it daily. Some of the stuff is fascinating in a way.


Never looked at the site, but this one is right around the corner from me (almost). It's quite delicious, and serves aluminium foil along with the food so you can take left-overs home.

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TV Show with Stephen Fry


PD, in the pilot they do translations from Dutch... with people who don't know Dutch! I may be gone from the forums for a few days, guys, while I binge watch this show.


Look up Epic Meal Time on YouTube if you don't already know what it is... 


Do I want to know?

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