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I need to brush up on my German... ;)


I'm totally willing to help.


I shall give you all the Ramms+ein I have... totally legit ;)


At least it's actual German. Du Riechst So Gut is actually about The Perfume, a very successful German book.

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When you're like me, and "I'm going to stay home and relax" is your only birthday plan, that sounds amazing :P

I been to Amsterdam probably over 20 times on the past 3 years. And Prague about 8 i'm a little bored of getting stoned, chatting with hookers and wandering around the Zoo on mushroom tea

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Oh god that sounds terrible. Such hardship you must face :P


To be fair, my "wild oats" days were sewn from the ages of 17 through 27. I got a full decade of the kind of life the guy who always gets laid in bachelor comedies has. The only reason I do not still have that life is I do not have a car. 


And I can't bring Benshin into that kind of life. Because he has a kid, and is kind of a dork. :D

I don't dislike the place, just want to do something different. It's almost at the point now where I am considering putting a deposit down on an apartment and charge my friends to stay there when we go

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I would best describe him as "genuinely decent human being" - rare for these waters, I know


We have broken a lot of his "Lawful Good Paladin"... now he's more Neutral Good


Yay, he's in my category.

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I would best describe him as "genuinely decent human being" - rare for these waters, I know

Aww... #allthefeelz


But back to cats for a second... I've never disliked them, but I don't know if I'd own one. Growing up I always thought of myself as more of a dog person, but then having had to raise one for awhile, I don't think I'm much of a pet person at all actually.


Unless it's gold fish. I wouldn't mind having gold fish. Like the ones you see at the big fancy Chinese restaurants. :D

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Aww... #allthefeelz


But back to cats for a second... I've never disliked them, but I don't know if I'd own one. Growing up I always thought of myself as more of a dog person, but then having had to raise one for awhile, I don't think I'm much of a pet person at all actually.


Unless it's gold fish. I wouldn't mind having gold fish. Like the ones you see at the big fancy Chinese restaurants. :D


I had a goldfish once. It committed suicide. :(

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