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I am going to catch up on the soapbox thread..though I know I really shouldn't as it will likely piss me off in some way!


Well at least you know ahead of time


Probably true.


I wonder why you would think that? 


Hm, perhaps because people on the forum constantly tell me? :P

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Bleargh. Could be true. :P

I like her style of fluff, and she plays amazing. My last game with her, I very nearly lost and snatched victory at the last possible moment. It was an exhilarating game. Maybe I don't like the thought that it wasn't my achievement but the easy mode ingrained in the Master.

Now we are talking. This I totally get. There are few masters I love playing. McMourning and Ramos. Both which are top tier. And are filth. I get that.

But I do also get defensive about them since for example last time I played Ramos it ended up in "if I would have played that crew I would have surely won too" from my opponent. Which to me is really sad to hear as it completely discredits all I did the whole game.

But. I am not saying you win because of Perdita. I say Perdita is filth. There is a difference and shouldn't be taken personally but keep an open mind and compare her to other masters with no personal attachment.

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I guess that just means we are average opponents :P


I am an average player myself.  hehe


I'm in a really competative area though with a lot of stellar players, so I'm happy whenever I eek out a win!  (Not often)

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Dita is awesome. Tell me how you like it once you finish. Always room for improvement.

The article is very well written, I had a quick glance at the other family members and have an idea of counters but they're extremely obvious so will be fighting a huge uphill battle I think

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There is a difference and shouldn't be taken personally but keep an open mind


I try. That's why I admit that you are probably right about my bias.


compare her to other masters with no personal attachment.


I still think Leveticus does everything she does, only better. :D


and back..God, there are some idiots around! 


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Hm, I hoped for your German, PD.


Wo du bist, ist egal

Doesn't matter where you are

es gibt sie mittlerweile überall

they are everywhere

jedes Mal sind sie schon wieder in der Überzahl

you are outnumbered

manche sind's schon als Kind,

some are since they were children

manche werden's erst allmählich

Some turn successively

stets passiv-aggressiv,

always passive-agressive

doch angeblich sind sie selig

but they are supposed to be happy

du kannst dich längst nicht mehr wehren

you cannot defend yourself

weil sie sich täglich vermehren

because they multiply daily

schon morgens früh in der Bahn stehen

in the train in the morning

und dich mit Kuhaugen ansehen

making cow eyes

du möchtest gar nicht mehr rausgehen

you don't want to leave your house

weil sie schon an deinem Haus lehnen

because they lean against your house already

und so beängstigend aussehen

and look really creepy

Du bist umzingelt von Idiodten,

You are surrounded by idiots

lebendigen Toten

the living dead

sie riechen schon ganz schlecht

they smell badly already

du bist umgeben von Schwachmaten

you're surrounded by morons

sie wissen nichts, sie raten -

they don't know, they guess

und haben trotzdem Recht

and are in the right regardless

und du wünscht dieser Welt,

and you wish for this world

dass endlich Hirn vom Himmel fällt

that brain rains from the sky

es wäre schön, wenn sie verstehen:

it would be great for them to understand

zum Homo Sapiens gehört nicht nur aufrecht gehen

there's more to homo sapiens than going upright

du hast so oft diskutiert

you have discussed so often

Vorschläge gemacht und messerscharf argumentiert

made propositions and smart arguments

es hat leider nichts gebracht

but it didn't do anything

wenn dann die lieben Kollegen dir deine Nerven zersägen

when your colleagues destroy your nerves

sie haben gerade genug Bregen, um das Büro auszufegen

they have just enough brain to clean the office

was wird als Nächstes passieren?

what will happen next?

Musst du dein Hirn amputieren

Do you have to ampute your brain?

weil sie so wenig kapieren?

Because they just don't get anything?

Du bist umzingelt von Idioten,

You're surrounded by idiots

Denken ist verboten

Thinking is forbidden

Wissen illegal

Knowledge illegal

du bist umgeben von Schwachmaten,

You're surrounded by morons

die auf Erlösung warten

waiting for salvation

täglich überall

everywhere every day

und du wünscht dieser Welt,

and you wish for this world

dass endlich Hirn vom Himmel fällt

that brain rains from the sky

es wäre schön, wenn sie verstehen:

it would be great for them to understand

zum Homo Sapiens gehört nicht nur aufrecht gehen

there's more to homo sapiens than going upright

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What are cow eyes, in this context?


There are some German idioms in there. Cow eyes just means a big-eyed blank stare. It's usually associated with people in love, but not necessarily.


Please God, let brain rain from the sky! is a common exclamation, too. The slightly meaner variant is to suggest that someone looked for shelter when God did it...


I can read it, wish people a nice day, and order beer.


Useful skills.


Oh. My. God. 


It's like the words in my brain, only someone else shares them...


"that brain rains from the sky"


Farin Urlaub is the great poet of our time in my opinion. His name means "To go on vacation", by the way.

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I may need to start buying new music again


He is one of three people who form Die Ärzte. Their most famous song is Schrei Nach Liebe (Cry for Love), which is about neo-Nazis is Germany. My favorite song is this one, though:



I'll wait a bit before translating. Maybe PD or Deluge want to try their hand?

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He is one of three people who form Die Ärzte. Their most famous song is Schrei Nach Liebe (Cry for Love), which is about neo-Nazis is Germany. My favorite song is this one, though:



I'll wait a bit before translating. Maybe PD or Deluge want to try their hand?

I wish I had sound at work, title is "Your Fault"

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That's what Youtube is for ;)


If you trust them. I should probably try that.


I wish I had sound at work, title is "Your Fault"


So far, so correct. ^_^


The most "German" band I know of is And One, and by "German" I mean "probably most indicative of the average German person"


Not sure if serious. Their lyrics are nationalist propaganda through and through.

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The Soapbox thread just got Ausplosion'd :D I like that guy. He says his point as it is with no sugar coating. :D


True. He even makes a good point. I believe that Wyrd can make a contribution to changing society in the long run, but they cannot take blame for some asshole. I suspect that his no-sugar-coating post might not sit with Ferossa well, and further escalate the discussion, though.

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