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Is it just me that can't stand the kid narrating the battle report that everyone is hyping about? Or is it just that everyone feels inclined to say it's cool because you can't say it shit because it has someone's kid in it? :P

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Is it just me that can't stand the kid narrating the battle report that everyone is hyping about? Or is it just that everyone feels inclined to say it's cool because you can't say it shit because it has someone's kid in it? :P


I just watched the first one, and I found it to be quite funny. It's not a serious battle report, though.


Someone having a good time with their kid and Malifaux makes me grin, though.

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That guy is in my local gaming group. Take the game seriously he does not. He's a really good player but he doesn't care about winning. If something can be more cinematic/funny if Thing A happens (even if it hurts his chances) he's all for it. Love playing against him. His batreps are something he does to amuse himself. And if I recall correctly his daughter was/is interested in the game, and her being involved in the videos were her idea.

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Yeah so it's just me. :D

Anyways I played Marcus. It was quite fun. I have to paint him up. Man does a Silurid + 2x Molemen make a fine Plant Evidence + Protect territory both announced little scheme train. Wow.

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Huh? Was that dgraz? What was he doing in here?


Does he just smell someone talking about Marcus?

I'm in touch with my Feral side.


and I'm bored. I'd much rather be painting, but I can't today and have nothing better to do than preach the gospel of the primal church.

After reading through everything of his again, I am inclined to agree his crews can pretty much do every Strategy and Scheme. Plus I want to give Cojo a hat and cigar. He's been added to the list of Masters I will need to purchase someday.

Marcus, much like Levy, is not a Master...he is a faction. He is so well designed as a master that can go either full support or full solo and anything in between....combined with the massive hiring pool, there is literally no Strat or Scheme Pool that I wouldn't use him with.

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Apparently there's a lot of those kinds of rules. I was somewhat interested in giving it a shot up until I read about stuff like that.


I think it's pretty funny. Under the assumption that I'll never play or, Fate forbid, invest money in it. Like a joke book: Read, laugh, forget.

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I think it's pretty funny. Under the assumption that I'll never play or, Fate forbid, invest money in it. Like a joke book: Read, laugh, forget.

Yeah, some of these "funny" rules are entertaining to read. But they are just going to be grating after a while if you are playing the game since a lot involve saying or pantomiming things to get a bonus.

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It's one of those things where if this were a parody of the rules to not be taken seriously, I might be okay. But for this to be the way the game is actually supposed to be played... please. This really just reads like GW wanting to piss off anyone who has even a mild interest in competitive play by them finally proving that GW games are not supposed to have tournaments. Ignoring, of course, all the tournaments GW runs. (rolls eyes)

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I'm just trying to figure out who the hell is supposed to be the target market here. 10 year olds? o.O

I said the same.......except it still costs an arm and a leg to buy models....how much money do these 10 year olds have?

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