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I agree. One thing is also when you see your friends and suddenly there's like 4 smartphones out and everyone's fucking playing with those. Seriously? Nothing to say or be present here? 


I'm not a man for 24/7 availability.


This. So much this. I hate it. Also the "where are you?" starting line, well it doesn't fucking matter now does it, speak your mind. Another thing that is even worse, when you call someone and they pick up and with a "I can't talk right now" THEN DON'T PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE!!! I get that if you leave it unanswered that you can't speak right now. 


Also I read some time back about a research how stress increases with smartphones exactly because of this 24/7 availability, you need to be able to answer calls, messages, emails, all that shit immediately. It even went on to a point of "ghost sounds" that you hear your phone going off clearly even if it doesn't. 

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I agree. One thing is also when you see your friends and suddenly there's like 4 smartphones out and everyone's fucking playing with those. Seriously? Nothing to say or be present here?


Oh god, I hate it.


Another thing that is even worse, when you call someone and they pick up and with a "I can't talk right now" THEN DON'T PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE!!! I get that if you leave it unanswered that you can't speak right now.


Ahahaha. Yes, true.


Also I read some time back about a research how stress increases with smartphones exactly because of this 24/7 availability, you need to be able to answer calls, messages, emails, all that shit immediately. It even went on to a point of "ghost sounds" that you hear your phone going off clearly even if it doesn't. 


Read that too. It's true. In Germany, a guy won a lawsuit because his employer wanted him to react to emails at the weekend. Madness.

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Read that too. It's true. In Germany, a guy won a lawsuit because his employer wanted him to react to emails at the weekend. Madness.


Yeah it is true. I believe it and have experienced it as well. It's seriously fucked up. One thing I also don't like is if you leave a message unanswered / don't answer fast enough people start sending more or call you with the same question. Seriously goddamn. 


But answering work related emails on the weekend, that is sick. This whole "efficiency" thriving world has gone way off tracks and into complete madness. Sucking all the fun and good out of life. Seriously I don't understand how it went to this rat wheel of a world. 


Also on a kinda related note, why I quit facebook when I did, was that if I want to be in contact with people, I do it either by phone or meeting up with them, somehow it seems that facebook is enough nowadays? Like you can talk, and like and say congratulations on birthdays etc there and it's sufficient enough and you won't need to do anything apart from that? What? :D 

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Also on a kinda related note, why I quit facebook when I did, was that if I want to be in contact with people, I do it either by phone or meeting up with them, somehow it seems that facebook is enough nowadays? Like you can talk, and like and say congratulations on birthdays etc there and it's sufficient enough and you won't need to do anything apart from that? What? :D


Never joined. It's this narcissistic tendency: All should look at me, notice me, react to me, no reason to establish a mutual relationship based on middle grounds. Sigh.

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