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Personally I'm not that keen on Kaeris, but then again that's my view on most if not all of the Arcanist Masters, If only those Fire Gamin were larger I could find a home for them in my Chaos Dwarf army

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~I want it all, I want it all, I want it aaalll.


Good song, and so true. It helps if you remember that you have to paint them all as well.


Personally I'm not that keen on Kaeris, but then again that's my view on most if not all of the Arcanist Masters, If only those Fire Gamin were larger I could find a home for them in my Chaos Dwarf army


Arcanists are quite cool. Chaos Dwarves, not so much.

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hmm, that Kaeris box set looks cool........ CURSE MY MEASLY 1 WP!




Guild or Resser McM?


Resser of course. No Transfusion but my Bodyguarded Snowstorm got Expunged to shit. Still.. Raspy had the last laugh, I obliterated McMourning with Raspy :D

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So you blasted around and lost horribly? Sounds exactly like your Sonnia games, mate.


True but I had fun doing it! That's important. I also fucked up a lot because I have 8 stat cards and 5 upgrades I've not used before on the tables and was constantly trying to figure out when to use what. Still, she's a LOT more fun than that pyro scrub Sonnia. 


I still don't get why he hates Sonnia and loves raspy... :|


Sonnia drains resources, has fuck all synergy with anything except the odd bit of burning, she's slow and has no way of reliably speeding up, shes paper thin, doesn't support her crew at all outside of Flamewall which isn't really support I guess and to top it off her self heal is SHITE. Raspy is just better in every way and her totem isn't a total waste of stones soooo.... GO RASPY!! :D



Hahahah. Right!? :D


Aaaah shuttit you!  :P

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