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I will paint bigger models and key models well but now these models on my table are just getting splashed on:


3x Oiran

2x Thunder Archer

2x Katanaka Snipers


2x Guild Guards that are to be played as Latigo Pistoleros


3x Daydream Proxies for the Dreamer

2x Young Nephilims

3x Tots


4x Bayou Gremlins

Hog Whisperer

3x Young Lacroix


That is the start of my starting speedpaint them the fuck away mission. 

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Right? Why do I buy them in bulk? 


I made a declaration that I won't order anything before I've painted everything. Well I fucked that up already by reasoning it to myself "well I lost the scuffle gotta order Lucius" order in, "well I can't play Lucius alone now can I?" order in, "I wanna play Lilith in my campaign that starts" order in, "well I need reinforcements for Lilith" order in. "Well now I have nothing order, seriously, stop. Oh looky, Dark Carnevale!"

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Off to sleep. So I can continue tomorrow my painting queue. Today I finished up the Bad JuJu, a Teddy. Tomorrow after a few touches, the McCabes, Vomit Worm for sure. And I got a lot of paints on a lot of Gremlin models. 

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Manchego is one of the girlfriend's favorites.


This might be my favorite right now, though: http://www.cypressgrovechevre.com/our-cheese/aged-cheeses/midnight-moon.html#.VZWYipMz83Y


That, and aged gouda. Preferably at least two years.


Probably for the best. I love me some freakin' cheese.



Cheddar so sharp you can cut yourself. THAT'S how you win cheese.

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Well, guys, I'm off to bed as well, but before (and you knew it was coming):


It's days like this that I want to give up talking to anyone about anything important at all. Clearly I don't know how to communicate :( I'm going to try anyway- if I am a fool, might as well go for broke and remove all doubt. No sense in half-assing it. Gotta feed the Cynicism Beast.


I'm not saying "stop making progress." I'm saying "good grief, give them some time."


Wyrd has worked hard to make Malifaux more inclusive (without it feeling tacked-on and gratuitous, which is only slightly less insulting than not being inclusive in my mind) and made great strides even in the transition from 1.0 to M2E. We agree on that.


But instead of celebrating the milestones of inclusion and encouraging Wyrd to go further in a positive way, we have people who are still complaining because it's not perfect. Have these people looked at minigaming as an industry? When's the last time you saw a female GW mini that wasn't a special character, a Lord of the Rings character, or a token? Hell, the Sisters of Battle are an entire faction of tokens because making female Space Marines would be bad for some reason. Wyrd and Privateer have made some progress, but instead of saying "yay, progress! Now let's go even further!" it's "well, this isn't 100% inclusive all around right now, so it's crap and the people behind it are crap."


Did you not notice how I approved of the new character design? My girlfriend is not a skinny model type, either, ya know.


I remember when Da Big Baws was around here- he wrote a post thanking Wyrd for having a disabled character because Hoffman was someone he could relate to. How many miniatures games can claim that? Pathfinder and several other RPGs can, but that's not quite the same thing- they don't have to worry about balancing things nearly as much.


TL;DR it's fine to ask for more representation. It's not fine to crap all over someone's efforts to do just that, especially when they are good, just because it's not perfect right now.


Lot of good points in it but some things I disagree with. Comparing to people who do even worse does nothing to dismantle an argument. The females in GW games have nothing - nothing - to do with the level of female inclusion in Malifaux.



I agree wholeheartedly. The issue a lot of people have is they assume their ideal is what the status quo should be, so when the efforts of others do not match up to their lofty goal, they overreact. It's why I never get involved in those discussions, because it just feeds the trolls. Malifaux has the most female lead roles of any game I have seen, and that is a huge accomplishment in an industry that is male-centric. 


It really does come down to "people should be grateful for what they can get when it is given, and politely request additional things for the future" not "your best isn't good enough, do it again"


Additional Note: Equality issues will not be solved by a gaming company that makes plastic toys. People need to leave their crusade at the front door.


I disagree stronger here. Equality issues begin in our leisure time, and should not ever be left at the door, especially not to make life of the status quo easier. Malifaux is good, even the best, but their best is not good enough, (nothing is good enough in this regard) and there is no reason to tell them so if it isn't true.


I also don't like to be called a troll because of my lofty goals.


Ironside, Tara, Taelor,  the Latigos, Grandma whats her face (wheelchair and shot gun), and some of the alternatives put a few holes in that complaint.


I disagree a lot here. What holes do they put in the argument that the ones you list are too few? Yeah, America has a black president, so obviously blacks have achieved full equality? That is an argument with holes.




Please do not take this as personal attacks, guys. Kadeton voiced a lot of my feelings pretty perfectly, and I don't believe in half-measures when ideals are involved. We, the white males, should be the last people to tell people to stay calm. It's easy for us to say: as long as they do, we will have the privileges. That's not fair play.


That all said, have a good night, and till tomorrow.

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I still think it is good to compare Malifaux vs. the industry as a whole, mainly to point out that progress has been made. It's not to dismantle an argument, it's to accentuate the positive. I think most of us can remember when it was hard to find a female model wearing pants, fer crying out loud. The whole point of mentioning that is to offer perspective, and to show that effort is being made, not to derail anything.


The problem I see is that too many people have fallen into this way of thinking that says "it must be exactly this way, right now, or else it's a total, utter failure." The rest of the world's issues cannot be solved as quickly as buying an app in Google Play or the Apple Store. It'd be nice if they could.


The mantra of the Internet as a whole is "never forgive, never forget." And that has to stop.

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Morning, guys!

Dust, worded like this, your point is reasonable. I maintain that there is no reason not to point out failings, but keeping that you talk to people who try their best can't hurt. I still wonder though why anyone wouldn't just say "Okay, can't hurt, let's do it". Why the urge to defend the status quo?

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