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They don't have to be like that, it's not the crew it's the player that makes them dickish. Just like you and the good Dr. ;)

I also believe this to be the case. Highly. You can play a filthy master a friendly way.

Also yes. I can play filthy McMourning. But I won't. Because it doesn't fit in friendly games. You of all know this. :P

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At the very least, there should be a warning label before a game, "I want to try this new thing to see if it's as filthy as I think it is."


I give him my good ideas, since he is more likely to hit up a tournament than I am. I want to see him pull of the Void Wretch + Misaki hijinks I told him about. Ahhhh, assassin delivery system...


Not heard of that one. Sounds interesting though! :D

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I also believe this to be the case. Highly. You can play a filthy master a friendly way.

Also yes. I can play filthy McMourning. But I won't. Because it doesn't fit in friendly games. You of all know this. :P


True, I can play Nice Colette or Twat Colette, I can play Fun Viks or rip you a new asshole Viks. It's all about player mentality. I usually chat to an opponent first to agree on a play style before the game starts. 

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It's hard to keep filth out of games, because a lot of the models can do terrible things. There are things to be left at home, though, if not on a tournament. Double Austringer with Perdita, Poison Bomber McMourning, Mech Rider Leveticus...

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True, I can play Nice Colette or Twat Colette, I can play Fun Viks or rip you a new asshole Viks. It's all about player mentality. I usually chat to an opponent first to agree on a play style before the game starts.


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True, I can play Nice Colette or Twat Colette, I can play Fun Viks or rip you a new asshole Viks. It's all about player mentality. I usually chat to an opponent first to agree on a play style before the game starts. 

I like players like you, I usually ask for the twat mode so I can learn how to cope with it (usually badly or small victories)

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It's hard to keep filth out of games, because a lot of the models can do terrible things. There are things to be left at home, though, if not on a tournament. Double Austringer with Perdita, Poison Bomber McMourning, Mech Rider Leveticus...

You can have filth in your list. But it's your choice how and why to utilise that.

If you use it to utterly destroy someone so that it is not fun for your opponent well then... You are a dick and probably won't have playing friends for long.

If you have filth as a back up / you like the models but do other things with them and not focus on the filth and keep the game nice and fun for both.. Well no problem.

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It's hard to keep filth out of games, because a lot of the models can do terrible things. There are things to be left at home, though, if not on a tournament. Double Austringer with Perdita, Poison Bomber McMourning, Mech Rider Leveticus...


I agree, but because you have those tools at your disposal doesn't mean you have to use them all the time. Understanding your opponent is pretty important to me. One of my friends enjoys silly lists and whacky combos, the other plays like a dick so I play accordingly. 


The malifaux rat shuffle.


That just makes me cry with how boring it is. 

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I like players like you, I usually ask for the twat mode so I can learn how to cope with it (usually badly or small victories)


Thanks. I find just keeps the game fun for both players if they are singing from the same page. It's a game after all not an excuse to be a total knob (unless it's Warmahordes)

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Thanks. I find just keeps the game fun for both players if they are singing from the same page. It's a game after all not an excuse to be a total knob (unless it's Warmahordes)


not even hordemachine is an excuse to be an ass, no matter how much you quote that worthless page 4

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I don't think anything really is an excuse to be a total knob. :P

I once said that I wish it became legal to issue a warranted "reality bitch slap" so if someone was being a total knob, you could just slap that knobend and welcome him back to the real world. :P

Now before this ends up in a human rights discussion.. Dirial.. This is a joke. Well half joke.

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A good example of my crews and the way I handle a typical game was the time I trashed a Kirai crew by the beginning of Turn 2. He started the game with a fairly typical Kirai crew. I had some Ronin, Void Wretches and the Viks + a Librarian and the Student. I deployed to achieve schemes rather than countering him I had every intention of taking it easy, having a relaxing game after work and focusing on objectives but the first thing this guy does is summon 2 Hanged and a Shikome. Dick mode was immediately activated, the slingshot was loaded and unleashed at his crew at the start of turn 2 with Blood Vik having Fast, Melee Expert, :+fate  :+fate Attack Flips and  :+fate Damage Flips. This resulted in Blood Vik killing Datsu, Izamu, Ikiryo, a Doxie, 1 Hanged and Lost Love in one activation and of course 3 Whirlwinds ;) were involved. He wanted to be a dick with his summons so I showed him how Outcasts bring the filth. Had he not spam summoned the shit out of high cost minions in the first turn immediately putting me at almost a 25ss disadvantage I wouldn't have done that. His intentions were obvious so I wrecked him. His crew was so decimated he couldn't recover and threw in the towel. 

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A good example of my crews and the way I handle a typical game was the time I trashed a Kirai crew by the beginning of Turn 2. He started the game with a fairly typical Kirai crew. I had some Ronin, Void Wretches and the Viks + a Librarian and the Student. I deployed to achieve schemes rather than countering him I had every intention of taking it easy, having a relaxing game after work and focusing on objectives but the first thing this guy does is summon 2 Hanged and a Shikome. Dick mode was immediately activated, the slingshot was loaded and unleashed at his crew at the start of turn 2 with Blood Vik having Fast, Melee Expert, :+fate  :+fate Attack Flips and  :+fate Damage Flips. This resulted in Blood Vik killing Datsu, Izamu, Ikiryo, a Doxie, 1 Hanged and Lost Love in one activation and of course 3 Whirlwinds ;) were involved. He wanted to be a dick with his summons so I showed him how Outcasts bring the filth. Had he not spam summoned the shit out of high cost minions in the first turn immediately putting me at almost a 25ss disadvantage I wouldn't have done that. His intentions were obvious so I wrecked him. His crew was so decimated he couldn't recover and threw in the towel. 


I can agree with that.


I mostly try to use Kirai as lone assassin character, only summoning seishin. gaki if needed.

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