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MD, good for you on the smoking and working out. You hate the gym now, but it will become a more addictive thing than the smoking in time.


I'm only doing it because of the Mrs. I enjoy smoking and fuck the gym. Still... Happy Wife, Happy Life right? I wont allow myself to be addicted to the Gym. I'll end up like zFiend! *shudders* :D

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My state allows the legal use of flamethrowers for that purpose, since we are swampland.


I don't know if I can use flamethrowers, but I will keep it in mind.


You say that now, until some random female you know compliments the change in your physique. You'll be powerlifting and finding your own mirrorfucker to hate in no time at all. ;)


Heh. It's only a matter of time :D

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Our town sprays chemicals which kill off the mosquitoes while they're in egg form. Doesn't get all of them, but does a lot. My advice would be disrupt any standing water like puddles or buckets on a regular basis to get rid of the eggs. Once they're born... Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure.

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Our town sprays chemicals which kill off the mosquitoes while they're in egg form. Doesn't get all of them, but does a lot. My advice would be disrupt any standing water like puddles or buckets on a regular basis to get rid of the eggs. Once they're born... Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure.


Standing water.


*glares at his water pot for painting* Nah, that can't be.

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Nah I just waited for the next train. Every 5 minutes where I live. Plus they look like they can afford lawyers, so violence isn't the answer here...

Unless I leave no witnesses...



Just raise them afterwards as cheap labour.



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Train?! Screw that, I drive. Saying that though living in rural England you drive or you don't survive. Death by boredom is a real thing over here :D


Tell me about it, Selby road on my way to work is 26 miles of flat road with nothing to look at except Cabbages, and the smell blergh!

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