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Hopefully everyone will settle down over Dead Lady J finally to heh. The models for it look awesome. Even if I don't play her I'm tempted to get a set just for the Dead Judge.

Heh, yeah. Though I think Wyrd stirred the pot a tad more with the announcement that you'll be able to play the pieces as Ressers. Should be interesting to see how that one works (I'm thinking two sets of cards, the second one being Belles/Zombies but with the pictures of those models on the cards).

And I think I'll get the Dead Justice set simply because of how many people have talked about kicking themselves for not buying LE Chompy last year. I'm fundamentally opposed to playing Guild for the most part (except Hoffman, he doesn't count, LOL), so I don't think I would be all that likely to actually play the crew. Then again, I've been talking about buying Sonnia's Avatar, and then probably the rest of her crew as well, LOL. So I don't know, hahaha.

I'm seriously considering trying to get 2 Teddys though. I never got around to buying any Teddys for my Dreamer crew yet. Will have to see how awesome and customizable the Nightmare sculpt is, and whether it's worth the extra $32 over a normal Teddy for a 2nd one. :D

Edited by LoboStele
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*twists head on neck* Sorry Chocobo, it's not going anywhere... My avatar may be Justice, but I'm not Lady Justice... I'm Lady of the Guild... I out rank her... ;)

*Takes a closer look twisting Fell's head*

I would rule out the possibility of it coming off, to be on the safe side I say we cut Karns claws and take away all of his sharp objects.

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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Heh, yeah. Though I think Wyrd stirred the pot a tad more with the announcement that you'll be able to play the pieces as Ressers. Should be interesting to see how that one works (I'm thinking two sets of cards, the second one being Belles/Zombies but with the pictures of those models on the cards).

And I think I'll get the Dead Justice set simply because of how many people have talked about kicking themselves for not buying LE Chompy last year. I'm fundamentally opposed to playing Guild for the most part (except Hoffman, he doesn't count, LOL), so I don't think I would be all that likely to actually play the crew. Then again, I've been talking about buying Sonnia's Avatar, and then probably the rest of her crew as well, LOL. So I don't know, hahaha.

I'm seriously considering trying to get 2 Teddys though. I never got around to buying any Teddys for my Dreamer crew yet. Will have to see how awesome and customizable the Nightmare sculpt is, and whether it's worth the extra $32 over a normal Teddy for a 2nd one. :D

Yeah, Guild is generally against my modus operandi. I made an excuse for Hoffman because he's got constructs and I'm a mechaphile :D

Yeah it could be useful to use for Ressers... thinking about getting McMourning so that I have a Resser master and then I'll have at least one of every faction.

The LE Teddy's will probably be awesome, but I'm going to wait till I see them in person. What makes me sad is I already have 2 and I want 3 Teddy's for 1 Dreamer list I like to run... so Ill probably end up getting 2 LE's. Then all I need is a LE Coppelius and I can have basically a completely LE Dreamer crew :D

Nightmare Daydreams next please!

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*walks in, fleeing Sozoa crashes into her... eyes get large on both of them... Sozoa backs away slowly, then dashes out around her; Karn runs by wielding Abs' sword* Oi! That's Guild Issue there, Neph!

*looks down at sword, shrugs and does a completely unnecessary but incredibly showing flip over Fell as he runs past her*

It will still split the bugger in two!

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As soon as I got dead justice that will be third resser and means I three masters of each faction

Yeah, I have at least one from each except for Ressers at the moment. But I've had my eyes on Kirai for a while now too. So we'll see. Will probably depend on what the Resser rules are for Justice and crew.

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*walks in, fleeing Sozoa crashes into her... eyes get large on both of them... Sozoa backs away slowly, then dashes out around her; Karn runs by wielding Abs' sword* Oi! That's Guild Issue there, Neph!

Sozoa lumbers away, shouting over his shoulder, "Watch where you're going, lady!" He finds this very clever and giggles, his not-inconsiderable girth swaying at he somehow outpaces Karn.

*looks down at sword, shrugs and does a completely unnecessary but incredibly showing flip over Fell as he runs past her*

It will still split the bugger in two!

His mind races. His legs chug. He grips his over-sized meat cleaver with white knuckles, his chain hook bouncing in the dirt behind him like a puppy tied to a bumper.

Karn! That little Neph! Hot on his heels, making him look the fool. Karn! That little Neph! Running him down like a child in the street. Karn! That little Neph ...!


That. Little. Neph.

Sozoa skids to a halt and turns, planting his massive feet. Sinking his hand deep between his beefy folds, he finds what he is searching for: a laminated stat card. Rooting around a moment more, he locates a pair of wire frame reading glasses.

"Killjoy," he mutters, balancing the glasses on his ruined nose (his upper lip, really). His head bobs. His eyes narrow, then fixate on the charging Nephalim.

Ancestral Fury bubbles in his gut ... or maybe that's just The Hungry ... hefting his chain hook and cleaver, he grins.

Then he goes cross-eyed.

His glasses! His good pair! Grimacing, he drops his weapons and fumbles with the fragile frames and scratch resistant lens, gingerly placing them in their padded, flab-encased hidey-hole as Karn quickly closes the distance between them.

Somewhere, a cannon fires. The sun is darkened briefly as a large, weighted net unfurls and spins toward its target.

Nearby, a steam tank rumbles into view ...

Will probably depend on what the Resser rules are for Justice and crew.

Yeah. I'm still not sure if they are simply meant as alternate sculpts for Guildies and/or Mindless Zombies, Belles, etc. for Rezzers, or if the box represents an actual crew with entirely new rules, with LJ as a Master or possibly a Henchman.

Eric mentioned no new Masters in Twisting Fates, but she's not really new, is she? In fact, I'd say she's been around the block more than once, all scuffed up and beat to snot. Like a good book with too many dog-eared pages ... and a broken spine ... and no head.

Edited by Hatchethead
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*waggled fingers to shut down steam tank*

Sozoa, that was a masterpiece. You can stay. No tank chasing. I swears!

And crap! Forgot about Skype chat! Was mowing the lawn and now grabbing quick dinner and then gotta hitthe grocery store. Probably home in about an hour and will see if anybody's still on then. My Skype name is...LoboStele. :tongue2:

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Morning, sanity has returned to the thread!!

#pours some coffee, takes a seat and reads the paper#

Well, first day back at work, so expect me to be on quite a bit! Left Lily and mum to have some fun at home, so hopefully they will both be sane when I return!

So whats up? I hear rumours about dead justice...off to check out the thread!

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Morning, sanity has returned to the thread!!

#pours some coffee, takes a seat and reads the paper#

Well, first day back at work, so expect me to be on quite a bit! Left Lily and mum to have some fun at home, so hopefully they will both be sane when I return!

So whats up? I hear rumours about dead justice...off to check out the thread!

*Wanders in and spies the egg reading the Paper*

Ahh welcome back AB! Hope your time away has been good and hopefully being back to some sense of norm wont drive you crazy. :D

Still enjoying the dipper changing and sleepless nights? ;)

Got on Skype little late last night, 9:30pm, saw no Foe on. Guess it sorta fell through. *shrugs*

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Ahh welcome back AB! Hope your time away has been good and hopefully being back to some sense of norm wont drive you crazy. :D

Still enjoying the dipper changing and sleepless nights? ;)

Wouldn't change it for the world!

Lunchtime soon.what to have?

And now I am thinking can i spend $100 on wyrd stuff at Gencon time, to get the free lady gunslinger? I reckon i possibly could!

Only thing bothering me is getting stung by the possible customs charges!

Sanity? In this thread? Not likely...

On a related note, I had the song "Teddy Bear Picnic" (part of it) pop into my head a little while ago, and it was accompanying a picture of Weird_Sketch's avatar in my head...

The mind control has started........ if you find yourself leaving plates of cookies around then all hope is lost! ;)

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