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I suspect zFiend might be having Gym withdrawal symptoms since he hurt his wrist and can't lift any weights? That or perhaps he's been snogging the local trolls again and caught some nasty illness from them?


Nah, more depression and stuff. Which is a heavy burden. I hope he pulls through.


You hear that, Fiend? I'm really worried.

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Nah I've had it for 15 years. Plenty of counseling and professional help in the years and still is going on. It's just that it doesn't always do that much and since it's been going on for so long, it loses it's purpose and help after a while.

It's all about the ups and downs. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. Now it's really bad.

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Hey Kadeton.


Hows it going? Skipped another 200 pages? ;)


I've been checking in from time to time, appreciating zFiend's dong pics, etc. :)


Wow what a couple of days I've had. Been busy as hell at work the last few days then yesterday I wasn't in work for more than 30 minutes before I had to rush off to the hospital. Turns out the Mrs was in a car crash whilst on her way to work. Some dozy twat didn't even try to stop and just slammed right into the back of her mums car on their way to work and I had to spend 4 hours at A&E with her worrying my ass off and hoping there was no serious damage. Thankfully it was just a nasty whiplash that caused some pretty bad neck strain and lots of pain but no bone breaks or major injuries all things considered. All she was worried about was being able to walk on our wedding day! Says it all :D


Yikes. I've been there - seven years ago, I was just leaving work as I got a call from my partner. It turned out to be someone using her phone to tell me her motorbike had been hit by a car. Wouldn't wish that feeling (and the hours of worrying during tests and operations) on anyone.


Glad to hear she should recover quickly!

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I've been checking in from time to time, appreciating zFiend's dong pics, etc. :)


Wait... WHAT?!



Yikes. I've been there - seven years ago, I was just leaving work as I got a call from my partner. It turned out to be someone using her phone to tell me her motorbike had been hit by a car. Wouldn't wish that feeling (and the hours of worrying during tests and operations) on anyone.


Glad to hear she should recover quickly!


I've been there myself 3 times in about 6 years. It's not nice at all but thankfully it wasn't too serious this time. 


Good to hear everything is better MD!


Thanks for the kind words guys. It's always refreshing to see people I've never met face to face being so kind and supportive. If only that love and support could force the Austringer to be abandoned then today would be a truly good day. :D

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Thanks for the kind words guys. It's always refreshing to see people I've never met face to face being so kind and supportive. If only that love and support could force the Austringer to be abandoned then today would be a truly good day. :D


I don't know. Such love and creativity went into the preparations... to all abandon it now? I don't think I could bring myself to that.

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Why did you look? Because zFiend and PD told you to? You should know better by now, you know.

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