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Well, that was a productive morning..Molly and Brewmaster crew boxes ordered..hopefully with me next week..more to add to the build pile though I am sure the brewie will inch his way nearer the top!


Considered the Tara box too as I am on the fence about her...any insights as to style, synergies etc..


Might tip me one way or the other!

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Considered the Tara box too as I am on the fence about her...any insights as to style, synergies etc..


Might tip me one way or the other!


Well Tara is definitely an interesting one. She tends to focus heavily on burial. Either her own crew to safe guard them and unleash a missile of death at the enemy or the enemy models so they can be punished whilst buried or controlled and used again the enemy crew. She tends to work well with other models that synergize well with being buried or Fast. Top picks are Bishop, Killjoy, Izamu, Bete Noir, Death Marshalls and of course her thematic crew which includes the Void Wretches who are pretty epic little scheme runners with some nice utility and the Nothing Beast can be really strong, especially with his nifty new 0ss upgrade. Also owning some Horrors (Iron Zombies, Punks, Necropunks etc) are great for Karina's summoning upgrade. Even if you manage to summon just the one Punk or Iron Zombie it's worth it.


She often likes to run with a couple of big nasties and some lower cost models so you can buff up the big nasties and launch them at the enemy, rebuff, rebury and repeat. Whilst doing this you can be handing out Fast to your own crew and Fast or Slow to the enemy for various effects like making your Scheme runners faster, using Fast to debuff the enemy or gain effects against them. She's pretty versatile and gets quite a bit of mileage out of almost anything although she prefers models with extra AP like Swift or Melee Expert etc. I've read good things about Tara taking Drowned because she can easily hand out Slow and then go for the Paralyze trigger on their Anchor attack, naturally if you're taking Drowned Jakuuna is a good choice too. Also as the Drowned are Horrors Karina can summon them! 


She's a lot of fun, I thoroughly recommend her. 

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Every single man on earth can say that.


Have you thought about this:


Every man wakes up with morning wood. Morning wanders around the globe due to the rotation of the earth...


For thousands of years, every day, men do a Mexican Wave of boners around the globe.

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What the hell does a fat frog man in a suit do with Tara?


Who is this dude?


He's a Character from DBZ. He originally appears on Namek with Vegita and he has the power to slow down / speed up time so he appears to be a lot stronger than he actually is. I can't remember the name of the other 4 guys he belongs too though. They do this dumb ass dance. 


EDIT - GINYU FORCE, That's it! 

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