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Hoffman. Blegh. I don't get why anyone would like that master. Boring story, boring models, boring game play. Hoffman is like the Yan Lo of fluff. Just utter shit. I skipped every story that included him


You're just salty that I smashed your Pandora crew with him, admit it. That's why you don't like him ;)

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I don't share the sentiment about Sonnia being boring, but I recently try to use the Flame Wall and Grounded Magic more. Also, I once charged someone, if you can believe it.


I also don't really know what makes an exciting Master for zFiend. His criteria kind of elude me.

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Has nothing to do with that. He's just shit.


He's far from shit. He's basically Guild Nico minus summons. He's probably one of the best support masters in the game because everything he does dramatically improves his crew. Heals, Buffs, Upgrades, The guy can make an unstoppable wave of metal that just will not die. He plugs all the holes in models with Power Loop, improves everything with his Mods and is a tough son of a bitch to boot. He's a quality support Master and arguably the best Construct Master in the game. Ramos hasn't got shit on Hoffman. 

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I also don't really know what makes an exciting Master for zFiend. His criteria kind of elude me.

I like McMourning as a summoner, Nicodem with a poison list. Seamus.

I also like Misaki, McCabe. Lynch is one of my favourites too.

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How could you let Pandora die to that Xavier knock off?


He had Pandora blocking his entire crew bar one model inside a building for the first turn so Hoffman could position and then once the death ball was in place zFiend struggled to stop it. Widow Weaver and Bishop gave me some shit but inevitably the win went to Hoffman. 

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First game with Pandora. Blocked my entire crew in a building. First game against Hoffman.

You have quite the tendency to lock crews in on Vassal. First game, no foul!


Nope! I wont acknowledge that as fact... EVER! Hoffman is the man when it comes to Constructs. I'll admit Joss is better than Ryle if it makes you happy? :D


Ryle and Joss is pretty much on par for me. Depending on if you want melee or shooting. Ryle is a bit quicker than Joss, and his push can really be helpful at times.

Well that is simply the case, but you will get a pass :)

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You have quite the tendency to lock crews in on Vassal. First game, no foul!


Well it was my first game with Hoffman as well so we were experimenting and zFiend just made a silly mistake that haunted him for the entire game. We've all done it. 


Ryle and Joss is pretty much on par for me. Depending on if you want melee or shooting. Ryle is a bit quicker than Joss, and his push can really be helpful at times.

Well that is simply the case, but you will get a pass :)


Overall I find Joss more universally useful but if I want more speed and damage I'll take Ryle. 

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I like McMourning as a summoner, Nicodem with a poison list. Seamus.

I also like Misaki, McCabe. Lynch is one of my favourites too.


And what do they have in common? What's your criteria? You simplay declare somebody as shit, and I don't get it. You confuse me, man!



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Is it Resser? No. It's Shit


Is it Resser? No. Can it Summon? Yes! Well that's OK I guess...


Pretty much this.

Also, in Vassal I sometimes have a hard time focusing on the terrain and making the terrain out of the map as the dimensions aren't all that visible. I have adhd so my focus span really sucks, in a game like malifaux where you need to focus it sometimes sucks that I might have a clear plan on what to do and then wham next turn I have another plan and while in the middle of executing that plan, fuck it a new one! :D which is why I forget schemes and strategies etc. :D

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I agree Zfiend. Vassal maps can be really hard to read at times. It so much easier when you everything in front of you on a real board.


Most players forget about stuff at times. In games (against me) where you have played masters you are familiar with, you have rarely missed a beat.

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