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I just don't understand it..a slight slim 5 foot girl has what must be natural EE boobs!

It looks weird, yet great.

Evolution huh?

You are only making it worse for yourself.

We don't know who you are. But we will find you. And we will look at tits with you.

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I just don't understand it..a slight slim 5 foot girl has what must be natural EE boobs!


It looks weird, yet great.


Evolution huh?


Hahaha yeah, definitely something in that Welsh water. Like most countries you guys have your fair share of rough'ens but typically welsh girls are pretty hot. 

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So America had the religious nuts and social pariahs, and Australia got criminals. Mother England was on the right track.


"Look, nobody really likes any of you, it's fair to say, so rather than do something barbaric and, well, not English, we are just going to ask you to leave. Boats are already at the harbor, do write us when you get there?"


Nailed it! That's Victorian England for you! 


"Oh, those criminals are unsightly! What shall we do with them?" 

"Ship'em off somewhere , other side of the world paerhaps? I don't care."

"Yes Ma'am, other side of the world it is!"

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Nailed it! That's Victorian England for you! 


"Oh, those criminals are unsightly! What shall we do with them?" 

"Ship'em off somewhere , other side of the world paerhaps? I don't care."

"Yes Ma'am, other side of the world it is!"


And it did even work out!

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I already used the street view on Google Maps from the address he mailed my package from. Looks like a nice enough town. 


I did that when zFiend sent over my Mech Doves. I had to cyberstalk him to see what Finland is like. There was a lack of troll lairs and Viking long houses which seriously disappointed me. :(

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I did that when zFiend sent over my Mech Doves. I had to cyberstalk him to see what Finland is like. There was a lack of troll lairs and Viking long houses which seriously disappointed me. :(

The area I live in is a shit tip. It's basically a huge construction site.

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And it did even work out!


That's the crazy part! Hitler wanted to deport the Jews to Madagascar at first, too, but he couldn't get hold of it in time. True story.


So far, after my trip to Finland, Wales is next. Anyone else want to hype up their local women for the perverted American? :D


No. Our women are great, but I will let them speak for themselves. They also usually like a considerate, workaholic introvert better than a "perverted American".

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The area I live in is a shit tip. It's basically a huge construction site.


Same as most of Spain, I wouldn't worry about it. Where I live is a pretty crappy area of the county I live in. Dorset is basically 75% backwards country villages and 25% "civilization". I happen to live in an area called Poole which is OK I guess but it's not fantastic. 

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Nope, now our government is letting any old Tom, Dick or Harry in, be it religious zealot or serial criminal. Talk about 1 step forward and 2 steps back! :D


To be fair, the English try to keep everyone in real trouble out as if their lives depended on it, be he fugitive or poor.

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To be fair, the English try to keep everyone in real trouble out as if their lives depended on it, be he fugitive or poor.


Also true, at least to a certain extent. Our government really is way to soft though and gives handouts left, right and center then wonders why all the illegal immigrants are here taking advantage. There's a lot of stigma about foreigners here, it used to be Indians and people from that area of the world a while back, currently it's all directed at the Polish and Eastern Europeans. Give it another 5-10 years and we will point the hate cannon elsewhere. As a nation we preach tolerance etc but in actually most of the people here believe the complete opposite. The British often bitch and moan about them stealing our jobs


post-49438-South-Park-they-took-our-jobs HAD TOOO! :D


But really they are hard working people who often just want a better quality of life and are prepared to work for it. They take our jobs because a lot of British people are too fucking lazy to get off their arse and work and instead live off the free handouts of our benefit state. It's laughable how hypocritical these people are. 

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Isn't that customer service everywhere?



It may well be, but we do it in style...  ;)


Yeah, we outsource it! Our customer service is usually based in India or Bangladesh where all the workers in the call center are called Matthew or Sarah. I assume it's the same with you guys?

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Yeah, we outsource it! Our customer service is usually based in India or Bangladesh where all the workers in the call center are called Matthew or Sarah. I assume it's the same with you guys?


Sometimes we have underpaid teenagers that don't know the front from the back.

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Yeah, the longer we monger stereotypes, the more it's obvious we are all very similar apart from some small cultural differences.


Mint sauce... brrr....


True that, also have you actually tried Roast Lamb with Mint Sauce?


Given the choice between a passionate night with the Mrs or a slap up roast lamb dinner with mint sauce it's no contest. Roast Dinner.... My god I'm getting old... *walks away in a daze*

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Home... i finally found my home lmao


Steady on there cowboy. I hear the stereotype for German women is they don't like to shave... like... anything. Particularly the armpits. I hope to god that isn't a true stereotype. I mean I'm a fairly hairy guy thanks to my Scottish heritage but if I were to ever get it on with a woman like that I'd constantly be worrying about a friction fire or something! 

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Steady on there cowboy. I hear the stereotype for German women is they don't like to shave... like... anything. Particularly the armpits. I hope to god that isn't a true stereotype. I mean I'm a fairly hairy guy thanks to my Scottish heritage but if I were to ever get it on with a woman like that I'd constantly be worrying about a friction fire or something! 


I wonder where you get that stereotype from...

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