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You lost me, I thought they were 6ss. And decent but not amazing.


Well, they are 6 SS, but if you factor in the cost of the upgrade buffing them, it's more. And don't you ever say they are not amazing. I love my Marshals. But that upgrade is ridiculous.


Yeah well you sent a fucking hellhound in my own meta after my parasols!


Yep. You wanted it. That scuffle was your idea.


Yeah I apologize for adding fuel to that thread yesterday, but they really do look like two different sentences that way because English language


Not to me. One can read them both ways, and one of them is pretty obviously the intended effect, while the other is pretty obviously rules-lawyering jackassery. My opinion.

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The order of words determining if something is a legal target, because there are two ways to interpret the same sentence as written. I left my point off in the thread with "I am going to continue with my way of thinking, which is also valid, until Wyrd says otherwise"


I also demanded twice that someone quote the page in the book or FAQ where their view is the official line... so far no one has been able to, and I am not basing my hobby and gaming experience on "because the internet said so" :D


Why did I even ask?

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