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Oh right. Dick Johnson. :D it was when I utterly lost my shit when setting up my new computer when everything required a new account. I registered everything under that name.

Even my Microsoft account then they sent me a message saying "we have registered your gamer tag as JohnsonDick" then I got another one instantly. "your gamer tag has been banned due to it being inappropriate."

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And you tell me this now? This info is too late now! From now on. We are enemies. You and I.

Nah, no we aren't. You're too cool.


Don't say this when Patzer is around! He'll try to get us to set up a grudge match again with his tricksy Neverborn ways. 


Glad to hear we aren't enemies though, at least I didn't tell you she's a really hot rock chic.... Oh crap :D

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I would almost pay to see that match. A video rep on youtube would be highly appropriate.

Also, after the match is settled... We still going to MD's wedding, z?

Of course we are. The Austringer has been ordered and we take our job seriously. I won't let my grudges come in the way of that.

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McMourning and Co. We have a job to do.


Hahaha, well looks like it's game over then. 



Not Vickies? ;)


Nah, I know he hates the Viks but he's seen the nastiness I bring to the table with Tara. Although, now that I think about it Hamelin seems like a good idea. If I can't beat his crew at least he'll probably commit suicide. 



I would almost pay to see that match. A video rep on youtube would be highly appropriate.


Also, after the match is settled... We still going to MD's wedding, z?


Our games are more like a night at the comedy club than actual Malifaux matches, they are just a train wreck from start to finish! :D



Of course we are. The Austringer has been ordered and we take our job seriously. I won't let my grudges come in the way of that.


I told Gina about this, I'll warn you now. Try and and you wont live to see the results ;)


That is the spirit. The Austringer is more a thing for MD's wife than MD anyway.


I doubt she'll see it that way, she's got the temper of a dragon some days! 

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I'm curious about something. You said you have Scottish roots. Do you share a name with your younger brother of with your stepdad? Because I wouldn't even know how to pronounce your brother's name...

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Is she more Shenlong or more Dawn Serpent? Just so we now what we're dealing with.


If Shenlong and the Dawn Serpent were spliced together the end result is kind of what you are dealing with. 


Think of taking on Smaug without any Black Arrows :D



Maybe she is the new vessel for the Tyrant. Shenlong was weak in comparison.


MD, if you think he will take McMourning; Hamelin, Nix, and Ashes and Dust is your crew ;)


My thought's exactly! :D

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I'm curious about something. You said you have Scottish roots. Do you share a name with your younger brother of with your stepdad? Because I wouldn't even know how to pronounce your brother's name...


I do indeed. My younger brother, half sister and I all share our father's surname. McCreath which is pronoucned "Mc-reth" but most of the bloody English are retarded and say it as "Mc-reeth". My Stepdad's surname is Morgan as in the Rum and we don't share his name. We were given the choice to change but I / we wanted to stick with our birth names. 


How do you know my brother's name?! 

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