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I think the whole nazi / Hitler stuff has been beaten to death already. Let the German people be at peace already.

I find it funny that if you want to get a shit ton of people killed in a game/movie just make nazis / German and be done with it. Now you can kill them without a conscience.

It happened. It was bad. But it's history. Let it go world. :P

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I think the whole nazi / Hitler stuff has been beaten to death already. Let the German people be at peace already.

I find it funny that if you want to get a shit ton of people killed in a game/movie just make nazis / German and be done with it. Now you can kill them without a conscience.

It happened. It was bad. But it's history. Let it go world. :P


I don't entirely agree... but that's neither here nor there. I now that Hitler jokes are a thing in the rest of the world. I just don't find them very funny.


This nis one of the few I enjoy:


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But how?


I get paid every 2 weeks so some weeks I have a load of expendable income because everything has already been paid, other weeks everything hits me in one shot (bills, rent etc). Also I'm still putting away money for the weeding which works out roughly 1/3 of my pay each time. This happens to be one of the periods where all my bills are coming out so I'm fairly broke until 2 weeks time. 

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Two week paycheck here as well. Check A is rent and phone. Check B is everything else. Adult life sucks. I want to go back to playing with Lego and coloring all day.


Also, if someone else could clean up after me, that would be awesome.


You find a way back to that life and I'll be the first one in line behind you! 

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Two week paycheck here as well. Check A is rent and phone. Check B is everything else. Adult life sucks. I want to go back to playing with Lego and coloring all day.


Also, if someone else could clean up after me, that would be awesome.


My friend pays a cleaning lady. He says it just isn't something he wants to invest time in. And as he has less time than money...

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I make an awesome housewife in that respect. Cooking, cleaning, laundry. You'd think it would be easier to find a girlfriend, but no lol


I'm surprisingly good at that stuff, too. My wife still finds places to nag... but I nag right back, so it's okay. I'm too close-fisted to pay someone to do my chores.

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I'm the same, whilst I'm generally pretty good at cooking and cleaning I do not enjoy cleaning (Love cooking though). I'm not particularly domesticated though. I often go into a room when it's clean and tidy and by the time I walk out it's like a whirlwind has been in there. 


As for home improvements etc there are certain benefits working for a construction company that your parents own and run. I can get a lot of building work done for next to nothing. Especially wen my younger brother is an experienced carpenter, joiner and site foreman :D

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